In my master thesis I will explore different forms and strategies in the field of combining two artistic fields: painting and printmaking, more specifically combining the collage technique and different printmaking techniques.
In the theoretical part of the master thesis I will conduct an overview of collage, where I will present the main artists, artworks and artistic movements that have dealt with collage, both in the global and Slovenian context. I will describe the main principles of collage and place it as a technique and concept in the context of printmaking; how to transfer the qualities of collage to the medium of printmaking and how to combine the two fields? I will write about the role of the matrix in the relationship between printmaking and collage, and explore the notions of contemporary and hybrid printmaking. I will present different artistic approaches to combining collage and printmaking, supported by illustrative examples of artworks.
The empirical part of the master thesis will be divided into two parts: an art practical and an art didactic part. The art-practical part will take the form of my own graphic experimentation, in which I want to test and search for the principle of collage in different printing techniques. The art didactic part will be a pedagogical application of my own artistic research. Collage in printmaking will be the theme of the lessons I will conduct in the subject Fine Arts in three classes at primary school. Within my own creative work and pedagogical research I will focus on combining the paper collage technique and the printing technique with extruded polystyrene foam, a printmaking technique introduced and developed by prof. mag. Črtomir Frelih.