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Vključenost uporabnikov in uporabnic VDC Šentjur v lokalno skupnost : magistrsko delo
Šarlah, Nejc
Grebenc, Vera
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V svojem magistrskem delu sem raziskoval vključenost uporabnikov in uporabnic VDC Šentjur v domačem kraju. V teoretičnem uvodu sem sprva raziskoval, kakšen je sploh ustrezen termin za uporabnike varstveno delovnih centrov, kako lahko podrobneje razdelimo kategorije, ki zaznamujejo ljudi s težavami v duševnem razvoju, kako so sami opredeljeni v slovenski zakonodaji, s kakšnimi težavami se soočajo pri socializaciji, kaj se je v preteklosti že naredilo v smeri dezinstitucionalizacije in pri stremenju k normalizaciji njihovega bivanja v domačem kraju. Pri tem me je zanimalo predvsem, kakšen je vidik družbe do njih in kakšen je vpliv medijev v javnem diskurzu glede ljudi z ovirami. Namen magistrskega dela je bil odkriti, na kakšne načine so uporabniki Varstveno delovnega centra Šentjur že vključeni v aktivnosti v domačem kraju, kakšno pomoč pri vsem tem prejemajo s strani zaposlenih zavoda, ali jih občani Šentjurja sploh poznajo in kakšne so njihove medsebojne interakcije, zanimale so me partnerske organizacije VDC Šentjur in kako so vpletene pri njihovem delu z uporabniki, prav tako me je zanimalo, kako uporabniki vidijo svoje someščane. Za namene raziskovalne naloge sem se odpravil na teren in opravil intervjuje z uporabniki in zaposlenimi Varstveno delovnega centra Šentjur, prav tako sem s pomočjo anketnega vprašalnika stopil med občane Šentjurja in od njih izvedel, kakšne so njihove izkušnje z varovanci lokalnega varstveno delovnega centra. Za zaključek sem še prebiral lokalne časopise, če kaj pišejo o VDC Šentjur in njihovih uporabnikih. Moji ključni izsledki so bili ti, da lokalno prebivalstvo kar dobro pozna dejavnosti Varstveno delovnega centra Šentjur in njihove uporabnike, a so še zmeraj prisotni določeni stereotipi in predsodki glede njih. Uporabniki VDC Šentjur so s pomočjo zaposlenih na centru vključeni v različne aktivnosti, ki se dogajajo v domačem kraju, a so te bolj površinske narave in ne zajemajo tesnejših stikov in vezi z lokalnim prebivalstvom. Uporabniške socializacijske mreže so majhne, zajemajo predvsem njihove bližnje družinske člane in zaposlene ter uporabnike na centru, ki ga obiskujejo. Večjega stika z lokalnim prebivalstvom v smislu tkanja novih vezi in prijateljstev ni. O Varstveno delovnem centru in njegovih uporabnikih se bolj malo piše oz. govori v lokalnih medijih, še najpogosteje gre za splošno naštevanje dejstev. Ključne organizacije, ki skrbijo za uporabnikovo vključenost v lokalno okolje, poleg centra samega večinoma zajemajo prostovoljna društva, ki za uporabnike organizirajo izlete in oglede, prav tako pa skrbijo še za razbremenitev njihovih staršev ali skrbnikov. Uporabniki se v domačem okolju in kraju počutijo dobro, svoje interakcije z ostalimi ljudmi opisujejo kot pozitivne, sami vidijo še nekatere mogoče spremembe, ki bi se lahko zgodile v mestu.
Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:
težave v duševnem razvoju
varstveno delovni centri
socializacijske mreže
lokalno prebivalstvo
Vrsta gradiva:
Magistrsko delo/naloga
2.09 - Magistrsko delo
FSD - Fakulteta za socialno delo
Kraj izida:
Šentjur pri Celju
[N. Šarlah]
Leto izida:
Št. strani:
103 str.
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ISO 690
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Sekundarni jezik
Angleški jezik
Inclusion of VDC Šentjur users in the local community
In my master thesis work I have researched the inclusion of VDC Šentjur users in their local community. In the theoretical chapter at the beginning I have found out what even is the correct term for users visiting the VDC, how can we further separate the different categories in which we classify users with mental health disorders, I found out how they’re marked in the Slovene legislature. what problems they are facing in their socialization attempts, what has in the past already been done in the way of deinstitutionalisation in the movement for normalization of their living in their home town. I was particularly curious about the view the local community has on them and what is the influence of local media in the public discourse about special needs people. The main goals of my assignment have been finding out in what ways the VDC Šentjur users are already included in activities happening in their local community or home town, what help do they get in that process from the employees at the center, do the citizens of Šentjur even know them and what are their interactions with them even like? I was interested in what kind of partnerships VDC Šentjur has with other companies and how they are incorporated with the work their users do. A special topic definitely includes how VDC Šentjur users view their fellow citizens. For the purposes of my research paper I have went out into the field and conducted various interviews with VDC Šentjur users and employees. I have also led a online and offline survey and stepped out and talked with the people living in Šentjur asking them about their experiences with the special needs users attending VDC Šentjur. For the cherry on top I have also read local newspapers who have written about the center and their users and wrote about my conclusions in regards to them. My main findings have been the following. The local community of Šentjur are very well aware of the activities the VDC Šentjur does and the contribution their users have on the city. They also decently know the users attending it. The main problem remains and that is that there are still certain stereotypes and prejudice against special needs people. The users of the center with the help of the employees achieve their various goals and are included in lots of activities around the city. Sadly, these activities are more of the surface kind and don’t include more tight-knit bonds or friendship building that could help them truly bond with the local people and form friendships. The socialization habits of the users are small and mostly include just their close family members or people they talk to at the center (other users and employees). There’s not much bigger bonds to be formed outside their daily routine at the center. In the local newspapers and media there is little to be written about what the users or center does, it’s mostly just writing about objective facts without much of an added value. One of the key companies outside the center that work with the users are voluntary organizations who help them be more involved in their local community by organizing various field trips and sightseeing activities. They do not just help the users but also provide relief and advice to their parents. The users of VDC Šentjur feel good in their local community and home town, they describe their interactions with other citizens as positive. They see some possible improvements to be done to the city but nothing too drastic.
Ključne besede:
mental and developmental disorders
work and care centers
socialization web
local community
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