In this thesis, we optimized the process of buying the tools for tablet presses. We digitized the process to make it more transparent and faster.
The emphasis during development was on users and their interaction with the application, as well as on the functionality of the system. We continuously collaborated with the users on weekly meetings where they iteratively complemented their requirements. We developed a web REST application that interacts with a database where data is stored. The application allows users to place orders for tools, to approve or reject those orders, and to accept and check the tools when they arrive at the plant. Users can also insert new or update old product designs or review existing finished or unfinished tool orders and introduce new designs. After the user interacts with the system, it notifies all key users via e-mail.
We tested the web application and published it on a web server. To assess the usefulness of our application, we conducted a poll with users. In general, the users are satisfied with the application.