
Primerjava lepil za transferni tisk
ID Reven, Tina (Avtor), ID Urbas, Raša (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Povezava se odpre v novem oknu

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Transferni tisk se pogosto uporablja pri tisku na tekstil. Pri tej tehniki tiska se na odtis motiva, upodobljen na nosilnem materialu, t. i. preslikač, najprej nanese praškasto lepilo, nato pa s pomočjo temperature in pritiska ta motiv prenesemo na izbrano tekstilijo. Zaradi široke uporabe preslikačev so si ti med seboj močno različni. Razlikujejo se v tehniki tiska (izdelujemo jih lahko s sitotiskom, kapljičnim tiskom in redkeje z drugimi tehnikami), uporabljeni tiskarski barvi (na tržišču obstajajo različne tiskarske barve iz različnih osnov in vsaka izmed njih ima svoj način priprave, tiska in utrjevanja), namenu uporabe (npr. preslikači, uporabljeni v avtomobilski industriji, niso nujno pralno obstojni, kar je ključnega pomena za preslikače, uporabljene v tekstilni industriji), številu plasti odtisov tiskarske barve na prenosnem papirju oziroma številu prehodov skozi tiskarski stroj, kot tudi rabi vmesne pokrivne barve (bela ali črna) itd. Namen diplomskega dela je bil primerjati kakovost različnih transfernih odtisov, ki so se med seboj razlikovali v obliki motivov, številu nanosov tiskarske barve in tipu praškastih lepil, namenjenih adheziji na izbrane tekstilije. Cilj raziskave je bil ugotoviti, katero lepilo je najbolj primerno za izbrano tekstilijo, in preučiti, kakšne so adhezijske lastnosti prenesenih odtisov po desetih pranjih. Z namenom ugotovitve, katero lepilo je primerno za izbrano tekstilijo, je bilo diplomsko delo razdeljeno na dva dela – teoretični in eksperimentalni. V teoretičnem delu sta bili preučeni tehniki sitotiska in transfernega tiska ter uporabljeni nosilni material (poliestrna folija), tiskarske barve in lepila. V eksperimentalnem delu so opisane izbrane tekstilije in uporabljeni vzorci, pri katerih se je spreminjalo uporabljeno lepilo in število prehodov, medtem ko sta nosilni material in tiskarska barva pri vseh vzorcih ostala nespremenjena. V tem delu so prav tako opisani postopki prenosa transferjev, merjenja vzorcev, pranja in sušenja ter slikovne analize. V raziskavi je bilo ugotovljeno, da ima velikost motiva vpliv na adhezijske lastnosti, število nanosov tiskarske barve nima vpliva na adhezijske lastnosti, ima pa vpliv na barvne razlike, ki nastanejo pred in po pranju. Ugotovljeno je bilo tudi, da za izbrano tekstilijo lahko uporabimo več različnih tipov praškastih lepil s podobnimi rezultati.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:preslikač, transferni tisk, sitotisk, barvne razlike, praškasto lepilo
Vrsta gradiva:Diplomsko delo/naloga
Organizacija:NTF - Naravoslovnotehniška fakulteta
Leto izida:2023
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-144858 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:17.03.2023
Število ogledov:682
Število prenosov:96
Metapodatki:XML DC-XML DC-RDF
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:Comparison of transfer printing adhesives
Transfer printing is often used in textile printing. In this printing technique, the print of the depicted motif (design) is printed onto a carrier material, i. e. heat transfer, onto which a powder adhesive is applied, which later enables the transfer onto the selected textile with the help of temperature and pressure. Due to the widespread use of heat transfers, there are a large number of variants. They differ in the printing technique (they can be produced either by screen printing, inkjet printing or, less frequently, by other techniques), in the ink used (there are different inks on the market, produced on different bases, and each has its own method of preparation, printing and curing), in the purpose of use (e. g., heat transfers used in the automotive industry do not need to be washable, which is crucial for heat transfers in the textile industry), the number of ink layers on the transfer paper or passes through the printing machine, as well as the use of opaque intermediate ink (white or black), etc. The aim of the diploma thesis was to compare the quality of different transfer prints, which differ in the shape of the motifs, the number of ink layers and the type of powder adhesives used for adhesion to the selected textiles. The aim of the study was to determine which adhesive is best suited for he selected textiles and to examine the adhesion properties of the transferred prints after 10 washes. To determine which adhesive is suitable for the selected textile, the thesis was divided into two parts – theoretical and experimental. In the theoretical part, the screen printing and transfer printing techniques as well as the transfer material used (polyester film), the printing inks and the adhesives used were examined. The experimental part describes the selected textiles and the samples used, whereby the adhesive used and the number of ink layers printed varied, while the transfer material and the printing ink remained unchanged for all samples. This part also describes the procedures for heat transfer, measuring of the samples, washing and drying, and image analysis. In our research we found that the size of the motif has an influence on the adhesion properties, the number of printed ink layers has no influence on the adhesion properties, but it does have an influence on the colour differences that occur before and after washing. We have also found that several different types of powder adhesives can be used on selected textiles with similar results.

Ključne besede:heat transfer, transfer printing, screen printing, colour differences, powder adhesive

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