
Analiza gibalnega razvoja trojčkov : magistrsko delo
ID Tekavec Štular, Barbara (Avtor), ID Videmšek, Mateja (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Povezava se odpre v novem oknu, ID Starc, Gregor (Komentor)

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ZVLEČEK V magistrski nalogi smo raziskovali gibalni razvoj trojčkov v času osnovne šole. Opazovali smo njihove telesne in gibalne sposobnosti ter njihov razvoj skozi osnovnošolsko izobraževanje. Predpostavljali smo, da bo gibalni razvoj trojčkov na nižji ravni kot razvoj njihovih vrstnikov, da pa se bodo razlike tekom osnovne šole zmanjšale. V magistrski nalogi je sodelovalo 45 trojčkov (15 skupin trojčkov). Podatke o telesnem in gibalnem razvoju smo na podlagi soglasij pridobili iz šolskih zbirk podatkov SLOfit. Analizirali smo rezultate 11 merskih nalog, osem merskih nalog je ocenjevalo gibalne sposobnosti otrok, tri pa njihove telesne značilnosti. S pomočjo tovrstnih longitudinalnih podatkov smo lahko posameznike primerjali v istem obdobju odraščanja in jih primerjali z rezultati posamezne generacije. V raziskavi smo dokazali, da rezultati trojčkov v povprečju ne zaostajajo bistveno za nacionalnim povprečjem teh rezultatov, vseeno pa so se pokazale nekatere statistično značilne razlike. Na začetku osnovne šole so za nacionalnim povprečjem zaostajali v telesnem razvoju (bili so manjši, lažji in imeli manj podkožnega maščevja) ter v rezultatih dveh od osmih gibalnih merskih nalog (tek na 600 m in predklon na klopci). Na koncu osnovne šole so trojčki še vedno zaostajali za nacionalnim povprečjem v telesnem razvoju, a so se razlike bistveno zmanjšale. Gibalne sposobnosti ob koncu osnovne šole so pokazale, da so trojčki v rezultatih treh merskih nalog (tek na 600 m, tek na 60 m in premagovanje ovir nazaj) dosegali rezultate pod nacionalnim povprečjem, v rezultatih treh merskih nalog (dotikanje plošče z roko, dviganje trupa, vesa v zgibi so to povprečje presegali. V rezultatih dveh merskih nalog (skok v daljino z mesta in predklon na klopci) se rezultati trojčkov niso statistično značilno razlikovali od nacionalnega povprečja.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:Ključne besede: trojčki, nedonošenčki, gibalni razvoj, večplodna nosečnost
Vrsta gradiva:Magistrsko delo/naloga
Tipologija:2.09 - Magistrsko delo
Organizacija:FŠ - Fakulteta za šport
Leto izida:2023
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-144183 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
COBISS.SI-ID:146390275 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:03.02.2023
Število ogledov:755
Število prenosov:115
Metapodatki:XML DC-XML DC-RDF
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
ABSTRACT This master thesis researches the motor development of triplets during primary school. The thesis observes their physical and motor abilities, as well as their development throughout primary school. It was initially hypothesized that the motor development of triplets would be at a lower level than that of their peers, but that the differences would have decreased by the end of primary school. 45 triplets (15 groups of triplets) participated in the thesis. With their permission, the data on physical and motor development was obtained from the SLOfit school databases. The results of 11 measurement tasks were analyzed. Eight assessed children's motor skills and three assessed children's physical characteristics. Using this type of longitudinal data, it was possible to compare individuals over the same period of adolescence and compare them with the results of a single generation. The study showed that, on average, the triplets' scores were not significantly below the national average. However, some statistically significant differences did occur. At the start of primary school, triplets lagged behind the national average in physical development (they were shorter, lighter and had less subcutaneous fat) and in two of the eight motor tests (600m run and stand and reach). At the end of primary school, the triplets still lagged behind the national average in physical development, however, the differences had decreased significantly. At the end of primary school, the triplets performed below the national average in three motor tests (600m run, 60m dash and polygon course backwards). They performed above the national average in three motor tests (20-s hand tapping, 60-s sit-ups and bent arm hang). In two tasks (standing long jump and stand and reach), the triplets' results were not statistically significantly different from the national average.

Ključne besede:Keywords: triplets, premature babies, motor development, multifetal pregnancy

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