Comparative analysis of some relevant anatomical (ground tissue, vessels, axial parenchyma, rays), other biological (texture, grain, tension wood, heart wood formation, habitus), physical (density), chemical (ash and silica content, pH value and mechanical (crushing strength, MOR, MOE, hardness) properties of 9 tropical hardwoods from Central Africa revealed that it is possible to predict the working properties by comparing relevant properties. Species investigated: Albizzia adianthifolia (Schumach.), Blighia Welwitschii (Hiern ) Radlk., Celtis zenkeri Engl., Detarium macrocarpum Harms., Gilbertiodendron dewevrei J. Leonard, Irvingia gabonensis Baill., Manilkara fouilloyana Aubrev. et Pellegr., Pachyleasma tessmanni Harrris, Xylopia hypolampsa Mildbr. et Diels.