The purpose of the master thesis is to apply knowledge in the field of analysis and dimensioning of reinforced concrete structure on a practical example, while using the commercial program Sofistik. Thus, in the master's thesis we deal with the reinforced concrete retaining wall on the portal of one of the tunnels on fast highway Velenje – Slovenj Gradec, which are designed as part of the project ¨3rd development axis˝. In the first part of the thesis, we present the engineering, geological-geomechanical and hydrological conditions, that we need as input for the analysis. All the above information was obtained from the existing project documentation. The following is the production of an idealized 3D computational model of a retaining wall using a commercial program Sofistik. Due to the complexity and extent of the construction, we considered only a characteristic section of the retaining wall. The results of the analysis are used to dimension the structure. Based on the required quantities of reinforcement, we made reinforcement plans of typical load-bearing elements of the given retaining wall.