
Postmaterialne vrednote pri bodočih učiteljih : magistrsko delo
ID Erzar, Estera Marija (Author), ID Gaber, Slavko (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Mlinar, Karmen (Comentor)

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Sodobne študije kažejo, da v visoko razvitih državah, med katere se uvršča tudi Slovenija, prihaja do postmodernega kulturnega preobrata, za katerega so značilne novejše, postmaterialistične oziroma postmaterialne vrednote, ki so izoblikovane na podlagi ekonomske in fizične varnosti. Kot posledico teh vrednot posameznik vse manj poudarka pripisuje tradicionalnim vrednotam ter avtoriteti in je zato pri sestavi vrednotnega sistema pogosto prepuščen samemu sebi. Pri tem ima pomembno vlogo šola oziroma učiteljica , ki učence in učenke spodbuja pri razvoju vrednotnih meril, ki so v skladu z normami družbe in šole. Ker učiteljice na učence vplivajo z lastnimi prepričanji in vrednotami, nam razumevanje njihovih osebnih vrednot ponuja vpogled v način njihovega bodočega delovanja v šoli, kar bo glavni cilj naše raziskave. Študije vrednot vrednote populacij strnjeno razdelijo na postmaterialistične in materialistične vrednote. Ker je Slovenija v zgoraj omenjenih študijah uvrščena med razvite države, me je kot bodočo učiteljico zanimalo, ali bo generacija učiteljic in učiteljev, ki ji pripadam tudi sama, v letih, ki so pred nami, prispevala k ohranjanju ali celo krepitvi položaja Slovenije med državami, ki so postmaterialistično usmerjene.

Keywords:postmaterialistične vrednote, bodoče učiteljice, postmoderna, postmaterialistični sindrom, teorija osnovnih vrednot
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:E. M. Erzar
Number of pages:93 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-143944 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:138972931 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:21.01.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Future teachers' postmaterial values
Modern studies show that in highly developed countries including Slovenia a postmodern cultural revolution is taking place, characterized by newer, postmaterialist values that are formed based on economic and physical security. Due to these values, the individual places less and less emphasis on traditional values and authorities and is therefore often left to themself to build their value system. The school and the teacher play an important role in this, encouraging students to develop values that are in line with the norms of society and school. Since teachers influence students through their beliefs and values, understanding the teachers’ personal values offers us insight into how they will function in the school environment in the future, which will be the main goal of our research. Values studies generally divide the values of the population into post-materialist and materialist values. Since Slovenia is classified as a developed country in the aforementioned studies, I, as a future teacher, was interested in whether the generation of teachers to which I belong will contribute to maintaining or even strengthening Slovenia's position among countries in the coming post-materialistically oriented years.

Keywords:postmaterial values, future teachers, postmodernity, post-materialist syndrome, theory of basic values

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