We develop 4 communication skills with the curriculum for Slovene (2018) at school, namely reading, writing, speaking and listening. We use these skills every day, but research (Pisa, Book and Readers) shows that reading skills and working with text are in decline. In addition, the motivation to read is decreasing and not many people take a book in their hands. We also notice increasing issues with summaries and independent writing of fairy tales. Students do not write the essence of the text when summarizing, and they do not know how to write stories independently. For easier writing and summarizing of fairy tales, we created 5 structured questions that serve as an orientation for students in summarizing and writing stories with the help of the morphology of Vladimir Propp, Marjana Kobe and the curriculum for Slovenian language. This is a synthesis of theory, namely the morphology of Vladimir Propp, Marjana Kobe and the curriculum for Slovenian language (2018), and the illustrious method of 5 structural questions, based on 5 fingers for easier memorization. 5 essential and structured characteristics of literary analysis are popularly called questions. We assume that, with frequent and structured repetition of questions and analysis of fairy tales read in class and during extended stay, they will remember the questions, internalize them and use them when they summarize or write a story. We chose fairy tales because they have the greatest impact on children during this period. In addition to making students interested in the topic, fairy tales also educate them, help them solve problems and teach them the values that apply in our society. It is important however to choose fairy tales that are suitable for the children's developmental level. We will ask the students 5 structured questions after reading each fairy tale. We assume that they will eventually remember the questions and begin to use them for summarizing fairy tales. We will check their memorization progress with indicators which we will add every 3 months when summarizing for the Reading Badge of Slovenia. Since we have chosen the 1st grade as the research sample, we will check how the story is written at the end of the school year, namely with the online application Story jumper, where the students will "write" a structured story. We assume that they will use structured questions for help, in order for the stories to contain all the essential features (literary person, literary place and time etc.).