
Biokemijski procesi in mehanizmi mikrobne razgradnje detrita rebrače Mnemiopsis leidyi v morju
ID Razpotnik, Veronika (Avtor), ID Tinta, Tinkara (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Povezava se odpre v novem oknu, ID Dolinar, Marko (Komentor)

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Ob množičnem cvetenju želatinoznega zooplanktona se v okolje naenkrat sprosti velika količina organske snovi. Raztopljena organska snov je dostopna izključno morskim mikroorganizmom, ki sodelujejo v procesu njenega kroženja. Odmrli želatinozni zooplankton predstavlja odličen substrat za hitro rast oportunističnih, celo potencialno patogenih vrst mikroorganizmov, kar lahko pomembno vpliva na delovanje morskega ekosistema in dobrobit človeka. Za napovedovanje odziva morskih ekosistemov na množično pojavljanje želatinoznega zooplanktona je pomembno razumevanje mehanizmov in biokemijskih procesov, ki uravnavajo interakcije med organsko snovjo meduznega izvora in metabolnim omrežjem mikrobne združbe. Invazivna rebrača Mnemiopsis leidyi je vrsta, ki se od leta 2016 množično pojavlja v obalnem območju severnega Jadrana. V sklopu magistrske naloge smo zato podrobno preučevali proces mikrobne razgradnje. Sestavo detrita rebrač smo spremljali na ravni posameznih spojin in ugotovili, da je po večini sestavljen iz proteinov ter v manjši meri iz ogljikovih hidratov. Lipidov zaradi njihove nizke vsebnosti nismo uspeli zaznati. Sestavo smo povezali z mikrobnimi presnovnimi procesi v sklopu večjega eksperimenta v mikrokozmih. Natančneje smo preučevali aktivnost nekaterih ključnih zunajceličnih encimov mikroorganizmov, ki igrajo poglavitno vlogo pri razgradnji organske snovi v morju (Vibrio splendidus ter Pseudoalteromonas). Rezultate smo primerjali z aktivnostmi encimov iz bakterij, ki običajno ne predstavljajo pomembnega deleža morske mikrobne združbe (Pseudomonas sp., Vibrio campbelli in Zunongwangia profunda). Dobljene afinitete in izločene koncentracije izbranih encimov iz navedenih bakterij ne potrjujejo hipoteze, da sintetične proteinske substrate, podobne naravnim iz detrita rebrač, bolj učinkovito razgrajujejo zunajcelične proteaze bakterij, ki v naravnem okolju rastejo na detritu. Ugotovili pa smo, da so glikozidaze v splošnem res aktivnejše pri vrstah mikroorganizmov, ki v naravnem okolju razgrajujejo ostanke odmrlega fitoplanktona, v večji meri sestavljenega iz ogljikovih hidratov. Povečane aktivnosti hitinaze so sporadične, saj hitina detrit ne vsebuje, lipidov pa zelo malo, tako da aktivnosti oleaze sploh nismo mogli določiti. Posledica bakterijske razgradnje odmrlega želatinoznega zooplanktona je sproščanje organskih in anorganskih razgradnih produktov, katerih koncentracije smo prav tako določili. Opazovali smo tudi odziv mikrobne združbe na prisotnost detrita rebrač in ugotovili velik porast vrst bakterij, ki razgrajujejo detrit kot tudi tistih, ki ga ne. Ob opazovanju remineralizacije smo zaznali pričakovani trend, ki kaže na začetno porabo labilnih organskih snovi in limitnih nutrientov ter pretvorbo organskih produktov v anorganske.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:Mnemiopsis leidyi, detrit rebrač, organska snov, encimi, mikrobne združbe, obalni ekosistem
Vrsta gradiva:Magistrsko delo/naloga
Tipologija:2.09 - Magistrsko delo
Organizacija:FKKT - Fakulteta za kemijo in kemijsko tehnologijo
Leto izida:2022
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-143302 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
COBISS.SI-ID:138534403 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:13.12.2022
Število ogledov:662
Število prenosov:82
Metapodatki:XML DC-XML DC-RDF
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:Biochemical processes and mechanisms of microbial decomposition of the ctenophore Mnemiopsis leidyi detritus in the sea
During gelatinous zooplankton blooms, an enormous quantity of organic matter is released into the environment at once. Dissolved organic matter is exclusively available to marine microorganisms which contribute to its cycling process. Decomposing gelatinous zooplankton represents an excellent substrate for rapid growth of opportunistic, potentially even pathogenic bacterial species, which can drastically influence the structure of marine ecosystems as well as human wellbeing. To predict the response of marine ecosystems on gelatinous blooms, it is important to understand the mechanisms and biochemical processes which regulate the interactions between organic matter of jellyfish origin and metabolic network of the microbial community. The ctenophore Mnemiopsis leidyi is an invasive species, blooming massively in the coastal area of the North Adriatic since 2016. In the thesis, we conducted detailed studies of the microbial decomposition of ctenophores. We studied composition of ctenophore detritus at individual compound level and found out that it contains proteins and lesser amounts of carbohydrates. We were not able to determine lipid content due to its low concentration. We studied the effects of the chemical composition of ctenophore detritus on the microbial metabolic processes. We linked the chemical composition of ctenophores to the microbial metabolic processes as a part of a bigger microcosm experiment. In particular, we examined enzymatic activities of the bacterial species playing a key role in microbial degradation of ctenophore organic detritus (Vibrio splendidus ter Pseudoalteromonas). We compared these results to the activities of the enzymes from the microbial species which are usually not an important part of the marine microbial community (Pseudomonas sp., Vibrio campbelli in Zunongwangia profunda). The affinities of the chosen enzymes from the aforementioned bacterial species that we determined during the experiment do not confirm the hypothesis claiming that synthetic protein substrates, similar to the natural ones from the ctenophore detritus, are most effectively decomposed by the extracellular proteases, excreted by the bacteria which degrade detritus in their natural habitat. What we did confirm is that glycosidases from the carbohydrate-rich phytoplankton remains-degrading bacteria are usually the most active in the presence of carbohydrate substrates. Since detritus does not contain chitin and contains very low concentrations of lipids, enhanced chitinase activity was sporadic and we could not determine olease activity at all. The consequence of the bacterial degradation of gelatinous zooplankton detritus is the release of organic and inorganic degradation products, concentrations of which we determined as well. We also studied the response of the microbial community to the presence of ctenothore detritus and detected an increase of all bacterial species, the ones that degrade detritus as well as the one that do not. While studying remineralisation, we detected the expected trend showing the initial consumption of labile organic products and limiting nutrients and the conversion of organic products into the inorganic ones.

Ključne besede:Mnemiopsis leidyi, ctenophore detritus, organic matter, enzymes, microbial community, coastal ecosystem

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