
ID Stanišić, Zorka (Avtor), ID Twrdy, Elen (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Povezava se odpre v novem oknu

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V času globalizacije je transport vse pomembnejši in zelo pomembno vlogo ima tudi pomorski transport. Vedno večjo težo v pomorskem transportu pa pridobiva tudi prevoz avtomobilov. Različne znamke avtomobilov imajo namreč dandanes tovarne po vsem svetu. Pot od tovarne do potrošnika je včasih enostavna in kratka, v veliko primerih pa traja dlje, saj je potrebno avtomobile dostaviti v druge države in velikokrat tudi na druge kontinente. Ob vsem tem morajo avtomobili priti do kupca prav taki kot so zapustili tovarno. Pomorski agent je zastopnik ladjarja, opravlja tisto, kar bi moral sam ladjar, a je to velikokrat zaradi oddaljenosti in nepoznavanja lokalnih pravil, nemogoče. Agent ima veliko odgovornost, saj mora pravočasno obvestiti vse zainteresirane deležnike o prihodu ladje, nuditi pomoč poveljniku in posadki, izdelati vse tovorne dokumente, pridobiti plačilo pomorskih voznin in stroškov ter poskrbeti za pravilno primopredajo tovora. Agentsko delo je v zadnjih letih sicer postalo bolj digitalizirano in še bolj zahtevno in odgovorno, saj je hitrost postopkov še pomembnejša kot v preteklosti. V svoji diplomski nalogi z naslovom Naloge pomorskih agentov pri prevozu avtomobilov preko koprskega pristanišča, sem želela opisati vse postopke in naloge za učinkovito delovanje agenta pri vkrcavanju in izkrcavanju avtomobilov. Tako je na začetku tekla pisana beseda o pomorskem agentu na splošno, nato smo se seznanili z Ro-Ro ladjami, ki so karakteristične za prevoz avtomobilov in drugih vozil. Predstavila sem seveda tudi avtomobilski terminal Luke Koper, ki služi pretovoru in skladiščenju vozil. Že v začetku diplomskega dela, smo se seznanili z vrstami in dejavnostmi pomorskega agenta, njegovimi pravicami in dolžnostmi, nato pa smo prešli na bistvo diplomske naloge, to pa je opis vseh nalog agenta pri transportu avtomobilov. Naj pomembnejše naloge agenta pri uvozu so najava prihoda ladje in blaga, iztovor blaga in predaja blaga prejemniku ter obračun stroškov. Naloge agenta pri izvozu avtomobilov pa so: pridobivanje posla, rezervacija ladijskega prostora in izdelava prevoznih dokumentov. Na koncu pa smo namenili še nekaj besed incoterms klavzulam v pomorskem transportu.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:pomorski transport, avtomobili, pomorski agent, avtomobilski terminal Luke Koper, naloge pomorskih agentov
Vrsta gradiva:Diplomsko delo/naloga
Organizacija:FPP - Fakulteta za pomorstvo in promet
Leto izida:2022
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-142782 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:25.11.2022
Število ogledov:551
Število prenosov:145
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
In an era of globalisation, transport is very important and maritime transport is playing one of major roles. Transport of cars has gained in last years a big part of maritime transport. Various brands of cars have their factories nowadeys all over the world. The journey from the factory is sometimes short and easy, but in several cases is longer as cars should be delivered in other countries, sometimes also on other continents. In all cases the cars should reach the customer same as they left the factory. The shipping agent is the shipowner's agent, doing what the shipowner himself should be doing, but due to long distance and specific local rules. The agent has a big responsibility because he has to inform all stackeholders in time about the arrival of the ship, assist the master and the crew, then make all the cargo documents, obtain payment of the freight and expenses and make sure that the cargoes are handed over properly. In recent years, the work of an agent has become more digitalized and even more responsible and demanding, as time is even more of a factor than it used to be. In my thesis entitled '' Duties of maritime agents in transporting cars through the Port of Koper'', I wanted to describe all the procedures and tasks for an agent to work efficiently in the embarkation and disembarkation of cars. Thus, at the beggining there was a written word about the maritime agent in general, then we was acquainted with Ro-Ro ships, which are characteristic for the transport of cars and other vehicles. I presented also the car terminal of Port of Koper, which serves for transshipment and storage of cars and other vehicles. Already on introduction of the diploma thesis, where we get acquainted with the types and activities of maritime agent, his rights and duties we get the major point of diploma thesis, which is description of duties and tasks of maritime agents during transportation of cars. The duties of the agent in the import of cars are: announcing the arrival of the ship and the goods, unloading the goods and handling them over to the consignee, and charging freights and other expenses to stakeholders. The duties of agent on car export are: solicitation of business, booking of ships apace and epreparation of transport documents. Finally, we will devote a few words to the incoterms clauses in maritime transport.

Ključne besede:maritime transport, cars, maritime agent, car terminal of the Port of Koper, tasks of maritime agents

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