Growing market demands require greater quality, durability, complexity as well as variety
of products. As a consequence, compliance with increasing requirements should be ensured
also by producers. If a company wants to meet the market demands, it needs to provide the
highest possible quality of production processes, control systems, test stations, etc., which
help in determining the conformity of products with the manufacturing specification. The
practical part of this thesis starts with a description of the testing station that will be used to
implement fatigue tests of push system elements within Titus d. o. o. company. The
designing process of the device is described, namely from the idea and conception to the
design. The next chapter presents how to connect and start up the device. It is followed by a
research methodology which includes the presentation of the product to be tested, possible
damage and defects of the product, a description how to perform prescribed tests to ensure
product compliance with the manufacturer’s specification, the test performance report and
the description of the product’s force measurement. Testing results, calculations and
measurements are presented and discussed in the last chapter - Results and discussion.