Dying is a phenomenon that is a normal part of all people's lives, yet there are many difficulties in this area that can cover both physical and psychological conditions. Hospice helps a lot in solving these hurdles. For this reason, in my master's thesis entitled: »The role of hospice volunteers in monitoring dying people and their relatives« I presented theoretical parts on the process of dying, death and mourning, palliative care, hospice mission, myths about death and dying, hospice volunteers, communication with dying and their relatives, the dilemmas of volunteers and relatives, the volunteer’s self-care, and social work in the hospice. In the empirical part, I presented with the help of volunteer interviews from the Slovenian Hospice Association the motives for volunteering, qualities of a volunteer, communication in the most difficult moments, society's prejudices about dying and death, and looking at ourselves while evaluating our own work. In doing so, I presented the views of the volunteers in more detail, which provides a good basis for studying this issue.