
Ribarnica kot prostor srečevanja, menjave in potrošnje: Vpliv ribarnice v Izoli na odnos do ribje prehrane
ID Magister, Pia (Author), ID Simonič, Peter (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Ribolov kot eden izmed najstarejših načinov zagotavljanja hrane se v nekoliko prilagojeni obliki ohranja še danes. Ribe so danes lahko dostopne tudi tistim, ki ne živijo v bližini morja. To jim med drugim omogočajo ribarnice oziroma prodajalne svežih ali zamrznjenih rib. V nalogi bom s pomočjo obstoječega strokovnega gradiva in z analizo terenskega gradiva prikazala vlogo ribarnice v družbenem okolju in kaj nam ta lahko pove o posameznikovem odnosu do ribje hrane. Naloga predstavi odnos do ribje prehrane na podlagi tistih posameznikov, ki sem jih vključila v raziskovanje. Terensko delo sem opravljala v podjetju s petindevetdesetletno družinsko ribiško tradicijo. Za krajši čas sem se zaposlila kot pomočnica v njihovi ribarnici na območju Izole. Ribarnico predstavim kot prostor izmenjave kulturnega in družbenega kapitala. Zanimajo me procesi in odnosi v tem prostoru in kako ti vplivajo na odločitve posameznikov. Naloga je delček v mozaiku, s katerim želim prispevati k širši obravnavi odnosa do ribje prehrane in vpliva ribarnic na le-tega.

Keywords:ribarnica, tržnica, morske ribe, prehranjevanje, antropologija ribištva
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-142732 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:23.11.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Fish market as a place of encounter, exchange and consumption: Understanding the impacts of the fish market in Izola on the attitude towards fish as food
Fishing, as one of the oldest ways of providing food, is still preserved but in a sophisticated way. Fish meat nowadays is available to everyone due to the technology which allows the storage and transportation of this perishable type of food. In this paper, based on the existing theory combined with the analysis of fieldwork, I will present the function of the fish market in social environment and what it can reveal about an individual's attitude towards fish as food. The paper deals with the attitude towards fish as food as gathered from the participants included in my research. The fieldwork took place in a family company with a 95-year-long fishing tradition, where I had worked as an assistant. The fish market is examined as a place of cultural and social exchange. This contribution emphasises the processes and relationships in the marketplace and how they contribute to an individual's decision-making. My evaluation is just a drop in the ocean, more research is required to understand this topic fully.

Keywords:fish market, marketplace, sea fish, eating, anthropology of fishing

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