In the master's thesis we planned and designed a set of board games, based on the research and analysis of the target group of millennials. The set is called Unplug, Man! (orig. človek, odklopi se!) and highlights the importance of spending free time without using digital content. It contains two games ⠒ Memory and Ludo, both of which are suitable for younger and older players, and are especially fun for intergenerational get-togethers.
In the theoretical part, we focused on board games and their history, and investigated the selected games Memory and Ludo in more detail. We researched the target group of Generation Y (millennials) and gained an insight into their values and shopping habits. We touched on the issue of saturation with digital content, explored the habits of digital detox, and dived into the history and development of pictograms.
In the experimental part of the thesis, we analyzed the target group of millennials with the help of a survey, confirming the research hypotheses and gaining additional insight into their habits. With the help of the survey results and the research, we initially designed pictographic motifs and placed them on the Memory cards. Then, we used the motifs to design the Ludo gameboard. Using all the obtained elements, we connected the two games into a whole with matching packaging, game instructions and figures. In the end, we used a survey to check the relevance of the product, i.e., whether the prepared content is suitable and interesting for the generation of millennials.