The relation between sight and the sense of touch is more connected than most people realize. Observing a material that we have previously experienced touching, gives our body the illusion that we are feeling it. Therefore, we can suggest that the sense of touch is an important factor to consider when making art. Touch in the creative process is most commonly associated with the art variable of texture. The use of texture through art history has been ever-changing. Artists were striving to achieve the most realistic representation of objects for the majority of art movements before the 20th century. However, with the emergence of modern and contemporary art movements, artists gained more creative freedom which is also evident in their use of texture. One of the more daring steps in modern art was the invention of collage which allowed a completely different mode of expression. Collage eventually gained its three-dimensional counterpart – assemblage. Collage and assemblage are greatly connected with the art variable of texture as both art forms allow the use of actual texture.