
Zasnova in izdelava pomivalnega sistema PH 840 za farmacevtske namene
ID FERJAN, ALJAŽ (Avtor), ID Logar, Vito (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Povezava se odpre v novem oknu

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Diplomska naloga opisuje postopek zasnove, izvedbe ter testiranja celotne elektro sestave čistilnega sistema, ki predstavlja pomivalno-dezinfekcijski sistem za farmacevtske namene. Sistem je produkt podjetja Belimed Life Science. Čistilni sistem sestavlja glavna elektro omara SS2, namenjena sporazumevanju med elektroniko sistema, močnostna elektro omara SS1, ki skrbi za napajanje sistema ter elektro omare VT1, VT2 in VT3, ki povezujejo posamezne elemente stroja PH 840. Sama naprava je namenjena čiščenju in dezinfekciji farmacevtske opreme, kjer sistem avtomatizirano izvaja določeno sekvenco čiščenja s pomočjo senzorjev, ki prepoznajo vstavek v sistemu. Naprava se je izdelala v sklopu projekta v podjetju Belimed Life Science. Pri razvoju sistema sem na začetku sodeloval pri zasnovi in konstruiranju električne sheme celotnega sistema v programu EPLAN electric P8. Nato sem namestil mehanske komponente, namestil in povezal električne komponente ter na koncu testiral delovanje sistema. Na začetku diplomskega dela je predstavljena čistilna dezinfekcijska naprava PH 840 z vsemi uporabljenimi moduli. Sledi predstavitev komunikacije, ki je uporabljena v sistemu ter opis mojega prispevanega dela pri projektu. S projektno skupino smo na začetku določili osnovne sestavne komponente za pravilno delovanje, potrebne povezave elementov, potrebno funkcionalnost glede na zahteve stranke in poskrbeli za čim bolj optimalno rabo naprave. Z načrtovanjem električne vezalne sheme sem elemente ter njihove povezave prikazal v izvedenem projektu, ki služi uporabniku sistema, za boljše razumevanje delovanja ter mu omogoča enostavnejše in hitrejše popravke ob morebitnih napakah ali nepravilnem delovanju določenega sestavnega dela. Opisan je tudi proces elektro montaže in mehanske montaže samega sistema.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:pomivalno dezinfekcijski sistem, električna vezalna shema, EPLAN Electric P8, I/O testiranje
Vrsta gradiva:Diplomsko delo/naloga
Organizacija:FE - Fakulteta za elektrotehniko
Leto izida:2022
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-142148 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
COBISS.SI-ID:126664707 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:21.10.2022
Število ogledov:888
Število prenosov:95
Metapodatki:XML DC-XML DC-RDF
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:Design and development of a PH 840 washer for pharmaceutical industry
The diploma thesis describes the process of design, implementation and I/O testing of the entire electrical assembly of the cleaning system, represented by a sink disinfection system for pharmaceutical purposes. The system is a product of Belimed Life Science company. The cleaning system consists of the main electrical cabinet SS2, intended for communication with the electronic system, the power electrical cabinet SS1, which takes care of the power supply system, and the electrical cabinet VT1, VT2 and VT3, which connect the individual elements of the PH 840 machine. The device itself is intended for cleaning and disinfecting pharmaceutical equipment, where the system automatically performs a specific cleaning sequence with the help of sensors that recognize the insert in the system. The device was produced as part of a project at Belimed Life Science company. At the beginning of the project, I participated in the design and construction of the electrical diagram of the entire system in the EPLAN electric P8 program. Afterwards, I assembled the mechanical components, installed and connected the electrical components, and finally tested the operation of the system. The PH 840 cleaning and disinfection device with all used modules is presented at the beginning of the thesis. In the following, a presentation of the communications used in the system and a description of the work contributed to the project is given.Together with the project team, we initially determined the basic components for proper operation, the necessary connecting elements, the necessary functionality according to the customer's requirements and ensured the optimal use of the device. By planning the electrical wiring diagram, I have included the elements and their connections in the implemented project, which serves the user of the system for a better understanding of the operation and enables him to make simpler and faster corrections in case of possible errors or incorrect display of the operation of a certain component. The process of electrical assembly and mechanical assembly of the same system is also described.

Ključne besede:washer disinfection system, electrical wiring diagram, EPLAN Electric P8, I/O testing

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