In my master's thesis, I studied and analyzed in detail, the modernization of the Armed forces of the People's republic of China under the leadership of the current president, Xi Jinping, who shortly after assuming power, set an extremely extensive modernization plan or the so called great rejuvenation of the armed forces, the state ant the nation. With the help of an extensive analysis of primary and secondary sources, I found that Xi Jinping transformed China into a global superpower capable of directly influencing the global geostrategic balance. Thus, in the last decade, China experienced an economic, military and technological boom and managed to catch up or in some areas even overtake the Western world. Jinping's reforms in the field of modernization of the armed forces include large-scale mechanization, informatization in professionalization of its units, as well as the development of new and modern weapon systems. Extraordinary progress was also achieved in the development of its expeditionary, naval, aviation, space and nuclear capabilites, as well as in the field of military-civilian fusion, reorganization of commands and units and the implementation of complex joint operations and advanced training. At the same time, China experienced a renaissance in the domestic defense industry and the development of its own advanced technology, with the goal of becoming a global force of innovation in the future. Along with the development of its military and economic capabilites, China's global and regional interests, ambitions and terrirorial claims are also steadily growing, which may lead to potential frictions and conflicts with countries within its perifery, as well as conflicts with other global superpowers, especially the United States.