At the time the 2nd epidemic of coronavirus was officially declared in the year of 2020, the public was already well acquinted with the government's system of communicating, which first started when they stepped into their function in March of 2020. Everyday's press conferences were hosted by government's chosen spokesperson Jelko Kacin and they were mostly similar day by day, with summaries of annoucements regurarly being transcripted simultaneously to livestreams on his official Twitter account. The object of the diploma assignment is to establish the following: how clear was Jelko Kacin's Twitter communication in this specific era and what is the characteristic of political communication with the public on this exact social media platform. I will be finding answers to that by analysing 40 of his chosen tweets, some other government officials' and other users'. Fast speed of providing incormation (the consequence of which are also numerous grammatical mistakes in tweets) and direct communication with other Twitter users (the public) actually demand that regular citizens – if they truly want to be informed about government's new decisions up-to-the-minute – join this perticular social-media network themselves and spend quite a lot of time on it. Because Twitter is lively constantly and government officials post often, the multitude of tweets soon becomes opaque and claims the user to be focused and also skilled in navigating between urgent (e.g. new government measures, changing the legislation, etc.) and non-urgent (party views, personal political beliefs, etc.) information, which are often intertwined inside of tweets, and to manage to find the important ones regarding the epidemic. Despite the fact that the journalists did summarize significant newnesses in their reportings and in that way delivered information evenly also to those citizens who didn't have a Twitter account of their own, there was an impression arising in the public, that the most important public communication is actually happening on Twitter, meaning that non-users were not really a part of happening developements or that they are missing out on something.