Growing up at different times with various technological discoveries and historical events, also caused changes in the expectations of generations in the labor market. Unitl recently, the labor market was dominated by generation, which was knew as more flexible anad manageable for the employers. Today, the labor market is dominated by the millennial generation, which is characterized by a different way of thinking and valuing work. Their strong desire for quick results and independence also influences their requirements from their employers. The millennial generation is a big challenge fort he employers. If the employer wants to keep the right workforce and operate successfully in the future, they must confront with new demands from new generations, and take care for constant changes in work environment and employment. In order for employers to bring the job closer to new generations and to recruit suitable candidates, this also requires a different approach and a more detailed knowledge of new generations, their values, expectations and competencies. As I am also part of the generation that is just entering the labor market, in my dissertation I want to focus more specifically on the research of the workers expectations, employers and generation of millennials on the labor market. The aim of my thesis is to present the millennial generation more specifically and to acquire broader knowledge of the expectations of the millennial generation towards their current and future employers, and also to present te expectations of employers and their aspects in employing the millennial generation.