
Kakovost partnerskega odnosa v povezavi z delovnim časom : [magistrsko delo]
ID Erpič, Eva (Author), ID Poljak Lukek, Saša (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Kakovost partnerskega odnosa in zadovoljstvo v partnerstvu sta povezana z delovnim časom posameznika ter delovnim časom partnerja. Vse oblike zaposlitve in nestandardnega dela imajo svoj vpliv na naše življenje, doživljanje zadovoljstva v partnerstvu ter kakovost partnerskega odnosa. Izvedli smo kvalitativno raziskavo, v katero je bilo zajetih 1508 žensk. Z raziskavo smo preverjali razlike v doživljanju dimenzij partnerskega odnosa glede na delovni čas žensk in njihovih partnerjev. Uporabili smo naslednja merska instrumenta: vprašalnik medsebojne prilagojenosti za merjenje kakovosti partnerskega odnosa in vprašalnik Kansaška lestvica zadovoljstva za merjenje zadovoljstva v partnerskem odnosu. Rezultati kažejo, da so ženske, ki so zaposlene za polni delovni čas, manj zadovoljne v partnerstvu kot tiste, ki so brezposelne. Ženske tistih partnerjev, ki delajo več nadur na teden, imajo kakovostnejši partnerski odnos, se bolj strinjajo in več sodelujejo. Ženske so tudi bolj zadovoljne takrat, kadar je moški zaposlen za polni delovni čas, kot takrat, kadar je partner zaposlen za polovični delovni čas. Ženske se ne razlikujejo v doživljanju zadovoljstva v partnerstvu glede na njihov način dela in število nadur, ki jih opravijo na teden. Ugotovili smo, da sta delovni čas in odnos, ki ga pari zgradijo okoli delovnega časa, pomemben dejavnik tako pri zadovoljstvu kot kakovosti partnerstva.

Keywords:zadovoljstvo v partnerstvu, kakovost partnerskega odnosa, delovni čas, nestandardni delovni čas, izmensko delo
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:TEOF - Theological Faculty
Place of publishing:Ljubljana ; Maribor
Publisher:[E. Erpič]
Number of pages:VI, 57 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-141997 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:127884035 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:14.10.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Quality of relationship in connection with working hours
The quality of the partner relationship and satisfaction in the partnershipis related to the working time of the individual and the working time of the partner. All forms of employment and non-standard work have their own impact on ourlives and also on experiencing satisfaction in partnership and on the quality of the partnership relationship. We conducted a qualitative survey that included 1,508 women. With the research, we checked the differences in the experience of the dimensions of the partner relationship according to the working hours of women and their partners. We used the following measuring instruments: the mutual adjustment questionnaire to measure the quality of the partner relationship and the Kansas Satisfaction Scale questionnaire to measure satisfaction in the partner relationship. The results show that women who are employed full-time are less satisfied in their partnerships than those who are unemployed. The women of those partners who work more overtime per week have a higher quality partner relationship, agree and cooperate more. Women are also more satisfied where the man is employed full-time than where the partner is employed part-time. Women do not differ in their experience of partnership satisfaction according to the way they work and according to the number of overtime hours they work per week. We found that working time and the relationship that couples build around working time is animportant factor in the satisfaction and quality of the partnership

Keywords:satisfaction in partnership, quality of partner relationship, workinghours, non-standard workinghours, shiftwork

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