The objective of my master's thesis is to research the phenomenon of book influencers on the Slovenian web. In the first part of my thesis, the research focuses on influencer marketing on social media. Social media has completely changed the way businesses communicate with their potential clients. Public and more narrowly targeted two-way communication has been established with the help of social media. The large-scale application of social media gave rise to influencers – individuals skilled at managing their social media profiles and creating content that attracts many followers. The main focus of my master’s thesis research is to examine book influencers in relation to the Slovenian book market. The empiric part of thesis consists of gathering information using a questionnaire and a structured interview to find out how book influencers cooperate with Slovenian publishing houses. Additionally, this thesis tries to establish book influencers' modus operandi, i.e. to what extent they function as critics, advertisers, and other profiles in publishing whose job is to amplify books. Two key questions answered in my master's thesis are whether book bloggers identify themselves with influencers and consider their work to be book-marketing.