
Otrokovo pripovedovanje zgodbe v različnih pogojih, študija dveh primerov : diplomsko delo
ID Vačovnik, Julija (Avtor), ID Kranjc, Simona (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Povezava se odpre v novem oknu

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V diplomskem delu najprej opredeljujem značilnosti govora otrok, starih tri leta, in značilnosti njihovega pripovedovanja v tem obdobju. Nadaljujem z značilnostmi otroškega govora v fazi zgodnjega otroštva, kjer navajam splošne govorne kompetence, ki bi jih štiriletnik naj imel, in pri tem tudi poudarjam, da so to normativni vzorci in da so lahko pri tej starosti individualne razlike med otroki velike. Nato predstavljam značilnosti pripovedovanja zgodbe, o njegovem pomenu za posameznika in družbo. Dotaknem se tudi pripovedovanja zgodbe v povezavi s teorijo uma. Nadalje predstavljam pripovedovanje kot poizkus, v katerem lahko kasneje ocenimo otrokovo govorno zmožnost in opazujemo njegovo pragmatično zmožnost. Pri tem posebej izpostavljam obnovo ogledane risanke, saj v slovenskem prostoru raziskave otrokove pripovedi v obliki obnavljanja ogledane risanke še ni. Nato pripovedovanje predstavim kot eno izmed možnosti za ocenjevanje otrokove govorne zmožnosti, kjer opišem tudi konkretne slovenske raziskave iz tega področja. V raziskovalnem predstavljam rezultate raziskave, v katerem razložim, da bom preizkusila dva otroka, ki bosta pripovedovala najprej zgodbo, ki bo pripoved o ogledani risanki, kasneje pa bosta prosto pripovedovala po predloženih uvodnih dveh povedih, ki jih bosta nadaljevala. Po dveh tednih sem preizkus ponovila z drugo risanko in drugima uvodnima povedma. Zanimala me je razlika koherennce in kohezije med obema pripovedma enega in drugega otroka na eni strani in primerjava med koherenco in kohezijo prvega in drugega poskusa pripovedovanja na drugi. V diplomskem delu opišem vzorec in metodo, ter nazadnje vrednotim ter interpretiram njune pripovedi.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:otrok, govorni razvoj, pripovedovanje zgodbe, risanka
Vrsta gradiva:Diplomsko delo/naloga
Tipologija:2.11 - Diplomsko delo
Organizacija:FF - Filozofska fakulteta
Kraj izida:Ljubljana
Založnik:[J. Vačovnik]
Leto izida:2022
Št. strani:38 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-141562 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
COBISS.SI-ID:127569411 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:01.10.2022
Število ogledov:792
Število prenosov:59
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:Child`s storytelling in different circumstances, study of two individuals : diplomsko delo
This thesis consists of a theoretical part, in which the age of the tested children is defined, and it is explained that only the characteristics of this developmental phase would be discussed. The paper then describes the characteristics of children's speech at an early childhood stage with the general speech competences that a four-year-old should have, stressing that these are normative patterns and that at this age, individual differences between children can be large. Furthermore, the topic of storytelling, its importance to the individual and the society is discussed, connecting it also with the theory of mind. Additionally, it is discussed that storytelling can be used as an experiment with which we can later assess the child's speech ability and observe his pragmatic ability, with a special attention to cartoon summarizing, as there has been no research into children’s narrative in this field in Slovenia. Topics such as storytelling of one’s own experience and the connection between the memory and the storytelling are also mentioned in the paper. Moreover, the thesis presents the narrative as one of the possibilities for assessing the child's speech ability, mentioning concrete Slovenian research in this field. In the practical part, first the research problem is defined, stating that the research would concentrate on two children, who would first tell the story about what they saw in a chosen cartoon and later be given two introductory sentences from which they would continue with their own narrations. After a few weeks, the test would be repeated with another cartoon and other introductory sentences. The research examines the differences between the two narratives of the two children with regards to coherence and cohesion on the one hand and compares the linguistic levels of the first and the second attempt at storytelling on the other. Furthermore, the research pattern and the method are described, and the narratives of the children are evaluated and interpreted.

Ključne besede:child, speech development, storytelling, cartoon

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