In the thesis, we used a practical approach, conducted a survey, and tried to find out how the administrative procedure takes place in practice and how the parties in the procedure experience it. The importance of customer satisfaction in the process and understanding of the process itself with the necessary information was already determined by the ministry itself and with a pilot survey in 2018, it was emphasized how important it is to understand customer satisfaction in the process. In the thesis, we pursued our goals with the help of a review of the literature that defines the administrative procedure itself, we looked for a gap between administrative procedures in theory and practice, the more important goal we achieved was the implementation of a survey. With the survey questionnaire of the thesis, we tried to capture a representative sample of students, which would help us to answer the posed hypothetical questions and, based on this, prepare recommendations for the implementation of the administrative procedure in practice, with an improved and unified implementation. We confirmed the proposed hypothesis with the help of the analysis of the survey questionnaire and found that clear rules regarding the position of the parties contribute to greater satisfaction of the parties in the procedure and that the students, the party in the procedure, are satisfied with the efficiency of the administrative procedure. In conclusion, we prepared an overview of possible measures or recommendations and divided them into short-term measures that solve or maintain the current situation and long-term measures that should help improve the process in practice, as well as its unified implementation through various mechanisms.