In the following master´s thesis, we presented the company Makro 5 Gradnje. We described and analyzed everything the compay does. We found that the company is organized in three main sectors, among which, the operating sector in the largest. We also found that the most extensive and demanding part of a project is its implementation. It requires the most professional knowledge and effort. It is very important for a successfull construction company to have costs under control, which in why Makro 5 Gradnje considers cost controll among the more important fields. Based on the findings, the company implemented the use of new software AIOSS Aps 3, which enables an overview of all realizations on individual projects. Considering the growth of the company and the number of its projects, the company additionally implemented another helpfull software – the programme Procore Construction Management. With this equipment we lead projects faster and more reliably. At the end of this master´s thesis, we recognised that both softwares could be optimized for everyday use. Based on the findings, we optimized both softwares with a number of meaningful upgrades and improvements.