People are a key part of any organization. Modern companies are also aware of this, and through
strategic human resource management they try to achieve the goals of the organization, while
looking at the employee holistically. In order for an organization to hire quality people, it must
perform the recruitment process. To this end, it must first identify the new needs of the company
and define a new job position, then decide to attract candidates using a variety of methods. The
selection process follows. In times of pandemic, strategic human resource management undergoes
sudden changes, requiring rapid adjustments in the recruitment process. Through the empirical
study, in which I interviewed ten Human Resources experts, I came to the conclusion that in most
of their attraction and selection activities, Slovenian companies have focused even more on the
virtual environment with the help of digital tools. In doing so, they found the importance of the
employer’s brand, which also helped them with headhunting. Recruiters had to become more
proactive in finding new candidates, as the number of applications was low or unsuitable candidates
applied. Selection processes were also conducted virtually. The staff had to adapt to the pandemic
situation to a large extent and acquire new knowledge on their own. Despite all the challenges, they
believe that they were as successful in attracting candidates as before the pandemic. They also
mostly claim that they will implement customized attraction practices in the post-pandemic period.
I recommend further research within two years to check the future situation.