We live in a time where we use more and more information and technology in our work and private life. More and more services are moving into cloud. Therefore, we all are more and more 'connected'. That was additionally enhanced by the Covid-19. Practically overnight, we were forced to work remotely and to mantain social and all other contacts using a wide variety of cloud services.
Given a fact that services are not only limited to serving our devices but also to a hosting services somewhere on a cloud, where such information is used by a number of users, proper authentication is essential. Namely, this is exactly what enables those services to authenticate us being really us and to also enable us using resources and the data stored. Moreover, using various technical solutions, authentication is in a service of preventing either misspelled attempt or unauthorised access to data. Thinking of merely technical solution is simply not enough as user is often the weakest link in the authorization chain. So, thinking and moving forward, users should be educated about the importance of using and utilising authentication while operating digital data needed.
Based on information collected through online focus groups with female teachers from three Slovenian primary schools, I tried to find out what are the users' views on authentication including their experiences, limitations and beliefs. The findings will be used in the planning of future teacher trainings on the importance of authentication and in motivating users to use new and improved authentication methods.