
Biokompatibilnost dentalnih materialov za analogno in digitalno uporabo v odnosu do laboratorijskega izvajalca in pacienta : diplomsko delo
ID Strgar, Nika (Author), ID Rojko, Franc (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Bohinc, Peter (Reviewer)

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Uvod: Biokompatibilnost dentalnih materialov opisuje združljivost dentalnih materialov s tkivom v ustni votlini in je odvisna od vrste materiala, umeščenosti v človeškem telesu in od pričakovane funkcije materiala. Biokompatibilen material je takšen, da pri gostitelju ne izzove imunskega odziva. Danes je potreba po biokompatibilnih materialih ključnega pomena, saj morajo materiali ugoditi ustreznim mehanskim, kemičnim, biološkim in estetskim zahtevam. Preden se na trgu prične prodaja novih materialov, je le-te potrebno poslati skozi vrsto različnih testov za ugotavljanje biokompatibilne ustreznosti z gostiteljem; prav tako morajo biti opremljeni z varnostnimi listi, kjer so podatki o nevarnosti materiala, ukrepi prve pomoči in zaščite. Pogoste bolezni, ki se pojavijo med laboratorijskimi izvajalci, so kontaktni dermatitis, astma, pnevmokonioza in silikoza. Najpogostejši stranski učinki, ki se pojavijo pri pacientih, pa vključujejo bronhitis, glavobole, utrujenost, pekoč občutek v ustih, oteklino in bolečino. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je ugotoviti, kako različni dentalni materiali vplivajo na laboratorijskega izvajalca med rokovanjem z materialom, kakšne so posledice ob nezaščitenem rokovanju in kako lahko neželene učinke med delom preprečimo. Hkrati želimo ugotoviti, kako enaki dentalni materiali vplivajo na pacienta po vstavitvi dentalnega materiala v ustno votlino Metode dela: V diplomskem delu smo uporabili deskriptivno metodo dela, kjer smo pregledali domačo in tujo literaturo o preverjanju biokompatibilnosti dentalnih materialov, stranskih učinkih le-teh na pacienta in na laboratorijskega izvajalca ter kako se ustrezno zaščititi med rokovanjem z dentalnimi materiali. Hkrati smo pregledali tudi literaturo o CAD/CAM tehnologiji. Pri iskanju literature smo si pomagali s spletnimi bazami Google Scholar, PubMed, ResearchGate in Science Direct. Ključne besede, uporabljene med iskanjem literature, so biokompatibilnost dentalnih materialov, stranski učinki, pacient, laboratorijski izvajalec in poklicna izpostavljenost. V praktičnem delu diplomskega dela smo izdelali dva fiksno protetična zobna nadomestka po analogni in digitalni metodi in pri tem primerjali tveganja, ki med izdelavo izdelkov pretijo laboratorijskemu izvajalcu. Rezultati: V zobnem laboratoriju smo izdelali dva fiksno protetična zobna nadomestka po analogni in digitalni metodi. Razprava in zaključek: Uporaba biokompatibilnih dentalnih materialov je v zobozdravstvu ključnega pomena, vendar ne pomeni, da dentalni materiali niso neškodljivi za pacienta in laboratorijskega izvajalca. Dentalni materiali povzročajo neželene učinke, ki pri pacientih zahtevajo menjavo dentalnega materiala, pri laboratorijskih izvajalcih pa zahtevajo uporabo zaščitnih sredstev.

Keywords:diplomska dela, laboratorijska zobna protetika, biokompatibilnost dentalnih materialov, stranski učinki, pacienti, laboratorijski izvajalci, poklicna izpostavljenost
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[N. Strgar]
Number of pages:40 str., [1] str. pril.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-140806 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:122080515 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:18.09.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Biocompatibility of dental materials for analog and digital use in relation to laboratory technician and patient : diploma work
Introduction: Biocompatibility of dental materials describes the compatibility of dental materials with tissue in the oral cavity and depends on the type of material, its location in the human body, and the expected function of the material. Biocompatible material does not elicit an immune response from the host. Today, the need for biocompatible materials is crucial because the materials must meet the appropriate mechanical, chemical, biological, and aesthetic requirements. Before new materials can be sold on the market, they must be sent through a series of different tests to determine biocompatibility with the host. They must be accompanied by safety data sheets containing information on the hazards of the material, first aid measures, and protection. Common diseases affecting laboratory technicians are contact dermatitis, asthma, pneumoconiosis, and silicosis. Common side effects that occur in patients include bronchitis, headaches, fatigue, burning mouth, swelling, and pain. Purpose: The purpose of this diploma work is to determine how different dental materials affect laboratory technicians during material handling, what the consequences of unprotected handling are, and how side effects can be prevented. At the same time, we want to find out how the same dental materials affect patients after inserting dental materials into the oral cavity. Methods: In this diploma work, we used the descriptive method of work where we reviewed domestic and foreign literature on checking the biocompatibility of dental materials, their side effects on patients and laboratory technicians, and how to protect themselves during handling the materials. At the same time, we also reviewed the literature on CAD/CAM technology. We used online databases Google Scholar, ScienceDirect, PubMed, and ResearchGate. The keywords used during the literature search are biocompatibility of dental materials, side effects, patient, laboratory technician, and occupational exposure. In the practical part of the thesis, we made two Co-Cr alloy bridges from steel and porcelain made by analog and digital methods and compared the risks that threaten the laboratory technician during the manufacture of products. Results: We made two Co-Cr alloy and porcelain bridges by analog and digital methods. Discussion and conclusion: The use of biocompatible dental materials is of vital importance. However, that does not mean dental materials are not harmful to the patients and laboratory technicians. Dental materials can cause side effects that require the replacement of dental material in patients and the use of protective equipment in laboratory technicians.

Keywords:diploma theses, laboratory dental prosthetics, biocompatibility of dental materials, side effects, patients, laboratory technicians, occupational exposure

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