Runner bean (lat. Phaseolus coccineus L. syn. Phaseolus multiflorus Willd) is one of less widespread legumes in the world. It`s originating from South and Central America. At Columbuses time, the Spaniards are thought to be the ones, who brought this bean to Europe. From there on, it spread thorough the world. It`s popular and widely spread in Slovenia, where it`s cultivated as an annual crop. The most distinct sign of the runner beans are many colourful flowers and big seeds. Compared to the common bean the runner bean emerges during lower temperatures, so it can be grown in colder climates. As an allogamous plant the presence of pollinating insects, especially bees and bumblebees, is important for pollinating. They also effect pod setting and their quantity. With the help of genetic analyses of the runner bean and genetic engineering of it, many other legumes can be improved. A good example of it is the improved tolerance of cold temperatures and diseases in the common bean.