
Hrvaške pravljice v predprodukcijskem procesu za kratki animirani film
ID Pejić Bach, Dora (Author), ID Nabernik, Marija (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Čadež, Špela (Comentor)

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Na Hrvaškem, še posebej na področju Samoborskega gorovja, je pomemben del ustnega izročila pripovedovanje zgodb o vilah in čarovnicah. V diplomskem delu želim obuditi znane pravljice, ki so nam jih pripovedovale že babice in so sestavni del hrvaške kulture. Izbrane pravljice bom prikazala v predprodukcijskem procesu za kratki animirani film, ki ga nameravam v prihodnosti ustvariti. V analitično-raziskovalnem delu naloge se bom osredotočila na hrvaško ustno izročilo, pomen ohranjanja ustnega izročila in pravljic, raziskovala bom razvoj področja animacije ter konceptne ilustracije. Analizirala bom slovanski animirani film v obdobju 20. stoletja. Raziskovala bom postopke predprodukcije, definirala posamezne faze načrtovanja, določila likovne elemente ter izvedbene tehnike. Zanimalo me bo, kako vizualizirati pripoved in kako jo prenesti v animirani film. Ob iskanju lastnega likovnega izraza bom pozorna na izvor predstavljenih zgodb (kulturne, etnografske ter geografske posebnosti). V projektnem delu naloge bom izdelala knjigo, v kateri bo predstavljena predprodukcija kratkega animiranega filma s poudarkom na konceptnih ilustracijah in zgodborisih za izbrane pravljice.

Keywords:Vizualne komunikacije Ilustracija Domišljijska ilustracija Animacija Vzhodnoevropska animacija Predprodukcijski proces Pravljice Hrvaško ustno izročilo Diplomska naloga
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:ALUO - Academy of Fine Arts and Design
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-140606 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:16.09.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Croatian fairy tales in pre-production process for a short animated film
In Croatia, especially in the area of the Samobor Mountains, telling stories about fairies and witches is an important part of oral tradition. In my thesis, I want to revive well-known fairy tales that were told to us by our grandmothers and are an integral part of Croatian culture. I will show the selected fairy tales in the pre-production process for a short animated film that I plan to create in the future. In the analytical-research part of the assignment, I will focus on Croatian oral tradition, the importance of preserving oral tradition and fairy tales, I will research the development of the field of animation and concept illustration. I will analyze Slavic animated film in the period of the 20th century. I will research pre-production processes, define individual planning phases, determine artistic elements and execution techniques. I am interested in how to visualize the narrative and how to translate it into an animated film. While searching for my own artistic expression, I pay attention to the origin of the presented stories (cultural, ethnographic and geographical peculiarities). In the project part of the assignment, I create a book in which the pre-production of a short animated film is presented, with an emphasis on concept illustrations and storyboards for selected fairy tales.

Keywords:Visual Communications Illustration Fiction Illustration Animation Eastern European Animation Pre-production Process Fairy Tales Croatian Oral Tradition BA Thesis

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