
Razvoj konceptov povezljivosti med proizvodnimi procesi in poslovnimi sistemi podjetja
ID Zadel, Nik (Avtor), ID Herakovič, Niko (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Povezava se odpre v novem oknu

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MD5: 8FC305B443D75C631E022ACF0E2971B2

Proizvodno podjetje pokriva izdelavo izdelkov in polizdelkov iz kovine in plastike, kemijsko obdelavo kovinskih polizdelkov, montažo ter pakiranje končnih izdelkov. V sklopu proizvodnje je več kot 200 proizvodnih strojev in naprav različnih proizvajalcev, ki so le delno povezani v IT strukturo podjetja. Za vodenje in nadzor uporablja podjetje ERP (tj. sistem za upravljanje virov podjetja) Infor LN, MES (tj. sistem za upravljanje proizvodnje) Proinfo in PLM (tj. sistem za upravljanje dobe uporabnosti izdelka) Windchill. Ti sistemi niso povezani s procesi v proizvodnji do te stopnje, da bi lahko dosegli digitalno sledljivost proizvodnji. V zaključni nalogi smo v prvem koraku izvedli analizo stanja povezljivosti proizvodnih sistemov s poslovnimi sistemi podjetja. Analiza zajema analizo tlorisa proizvodnje, posameznih proizvodnih strojev in naprav ter grafičnih vmesnikov. V naslednjem koraku smo izdelali pregled uporabe ERP, MES in PLM sistemov v podjetju, ter način izmenjave podatkov med njimi in proizvodnimi stroji ter napravami. V zadnjem koraku smo razvili več konceptov povezljivosti proizvodnih sistemov s poslovnimi sistemi podjetja. Rezultat zaključne naloge je predstavitev različnih možnih konceptov povezljivosti med proizvodnimi sistemi/napravami z IoT moduli in sistemi ERP, MES in PLM ter diskusija primernosti konceptov za podjetje.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:analiza stanja, digitalizacija, priprava konceptov povezljivosti, Industrija 4.0, proizvodnja
Vrsta gradiva:Zaključna naloga
Tipologija:2.11 - Diplomsko delo
Organizacija:FS - Fakulteta za strojništvo
Kraj izida:Ljubljana
Založnik:[N. Zadel]
Leto izida:2022
Št. strani:XIII, 26 f.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-140355 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
COBISS.SI-ID:122616835 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:14.09.2022
Število ogledov:1344
Število prenosov:105
Metapodatki:XML DC-XML DC-RDF
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:Development concepts for the connectivity between production processes and business systems of the company
The production company covers the production of metal and plastic products and semi-finished products, chemical processing of metal semi-finished products, assembly and packaging of finished products. As part of production, there are more than 200 machines and devices from various manufacturers, which are only partially connected to the company's IT structure. For management and control, the company uses ERP (i.e. Enterprise Resource Management) Infor LN, MES (i.e. Manufacturing Management System) Proinfo and PLM (i.e. Product Lifecycle Management) Windchill. These systems are not connected to the processes in production to the extent that digital traceability of production can be achieved. In the thesis, in the first step, we performed an analysis of the state of connectivity of production systems with the company's business systems. The analysis includes the analysis of the production floor plan, individual production machines and devices, and graphic interfaces. In the next step, we created an overview of the use of ERP, MES and PLM systems in the company, as well as the method of data exchange between them and production facilities and devices. In the last step, we developed several concepts for the connectivity of production systems with the company's business systems. The result of the final thesis is the presentation of various possible concepts of connectivity between production systems/devices with IoT modules and ERP, MES and PLM systems and discussion of the suitability of the concepts for the company.

Ključne besede:state analysis, digitalisation, preparation of connectivity concepts, Industry 4.0, manufacturing

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