Potato production is an important agricultural activity. The potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) is a soil-grown horticultural and arable crop meant for both human and livestock consumption. As potatoes are root crop, they require deep, lighter and sandy-loamy soils with adequate nutrient concentration. As a result of conventional cultivation methods, potato yields per hectare have increased significantly. The majority of the varieties entered into the Slovenian Variety List are domestic, while many of the foreign varieties in production, which have been domesticated through introduction, originate from the National List of Varieties of Agricultural and Vegetable Crops of the European Union. Variety selection can be based on the length of the growing season (early or ware potato), the colour of the skin and flesh, disease tolerance, growing conditions (e.g., adaptation to drought), crop size, or the purpose of using the potato tubers in food preparation. Today's potato production is also becoming more and more reliant on weather factors, particularly heath stress and drought, which adversely affect the potato production. However, precise irrigation can lessen the effects of drought. The selection of varieties adapted to the growing conditions is the key to the success of potato production on conventional farms and particularly organic farms. After harvesting, it is critical to properly store potato tubers; otherwise, their quality may be severely compromised.