This diploma thesis presents the automation of the detection and sorting of coloured pieces on a conveyor belt using different assembly and handling operations. Chapter 2 of the diploma presents the theoretical basis of assembly and service operations and the theoretical basis of robotics. The methodology chapter describes the set-up of the robotic system components, the upgrade of the robotic system with new components, the programming methodology and the commissioning of the system. In the Dobot Magician robotic system, the correct positioning of the robotic arm and other subsystems was crucial. The subsystems used for the repeatability and reliable operation of the colour detection and sorting process are the conveyor belt, the guides, the photoelectric switch, the colour detection sensor, the robotic arm with a vacuum gripper and the storage base for the coloured cubes. The integration of the components into a complete functional system was done in the DobotStudio software environment using the Blockly software module. The connection between the computer software and the robot was made via USB. Based on our experiments, we found that the colour sensor is sensitive to light coming from the environment, which determines that we need to cancel out the influence of sunlight.