
Abstinenčna kriza pri športnikih po koncu kariere z vidika relacijske družinske terapije : doktorska disertacija
ID Greif, Gregor (Avtor), ID Pate, Tanja (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Povezava se odpre v novem oknu

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Zaključek športne kariere velja za posebno tranzicijo v življenju športnikov, v kateri je prisotno tveganje za različne težave in abstinenčne krize. Precej raziskav poroča o tem, da so nekateri športniki doživeli določene tranzicijske težave in negativna čustva po koncu kariere. Športniki, ki doživljajo stiske in težave po koncu kariere, pogosto niso deležni ustrezne socialne podpore oziroma redkeje iščejo strokovno pomoč. Na področju psihologije športa so na voljo različne intervencije in podporni programi. Zaradi celovite obravnave športnikov in kompleksnosti njihovih problemov po koncu kariere je možno predlagati alternativne oblike pomoči. V doktorski disertaciji smo zato želeli raziskati nekatere tranzicijske dejavnike in doživljanje športnikov po koncu kariere z vidika relacijske družinske terapije, ki predstavlja, s celovitejšim in globljim naslavljanjem tranzicijskih problemov, alternativno terapevtsko intervencijo. Doktorska disertacija z naslovom Abstinenčna kriza pri športnikih po koncu kariere z vidika relacijske družinske terapije je razdeljena na teoretični in empirični del. V teoretičnem delu smo najprej predstavili dosedanje raziskovanje fenomena zaključka športne kariere, kjer smo se osredotočili na teoretske pristope, razloge za konec kariere, njene posledice in dejavnike uspešne tranzicije. Nadaljevali smo z obravnavo izbranih dejavnikov, tj. športna identiteta, odvisnost od vadbe, čustveno procesiranje in abstinenčni simptomi depresije, tesnobe in stresa, ki smo jih raziskali v empiričnem delu. V tretjem delu smo predstavili model relacijske družinske terapije, s poudarkom na relacijskem preobratu v psihoanalizi in temeljnimi mehanizmi modela. V zadnjem delu teoretičnega dela smo predstavili teološki vidik kot integrativni del športa, tako da smo analizirali Sveto pismo z vidika športa in izpostavili hrepenenje v bibličnem kontekstu kot sinonim za tranzicijske spremembe po koncu kariere. Sledil je empirični del, ki smo ga razdelili na splošni kvantitativni del in posebni kvalitativni del. V kvantitativnem delu nas je zanimala raven in povezanost dejavnikov športne identitete, odvisnosti od vadbe, čustvenega procesiranja in abstinenčnih simptomov depresije, tesnobe in stresa pri športnikih po koncu kariere. V raziskavo se je prostovoljno vključilo 98 športnikov, ki so že končali s športno kariero. Na podlagi analize vprašalnikov smo na vzorcu ugotovili ravni navedenih dejavnikov, ki so dokaj primerljive z ostalimi raziskavami. Nadalje smo ugotovili, da obstaja pri športnikih po koncu kariere statistično pomembna povezanost med ravnijo športne identitete in ravnijo odvisnosti od vadbe, ravnijo čustvenega procesiranja ter ravnijo abstinenčnih simptomov in med ravnijo čustvenega procesiranja ter ravnijo abstinenčnih simptomov, medtem ko statistično pomembna povezanost med ravnijo odvisnosti od vadbe in čustvenim procesiranjem oziroma abstinenčnimi simptomi ne obstaja. V kvalitativnem delu raziskave smo v okviru procesa relacijske družinske terapije želeli bolje razumeti doživljanje težav in abstinenčnih kriz pri športnikih po koncu kariere. V raziskavo so se vključili trije udeleženci, nekdanji športniki, ki so se soočali s težavami po koncu kariere. Zanimala nas je možnost naslavljanja in reševanja težav z vidika relacijske družinske terapije ter predvsem značilnosti in oblike doživljanja abstinenčne krize ter težav po koncu kariere. Ugotovili smo, da je probleme in doživljanje športnikov po koncu kariere možno naslavljati in reševati z uporabo modela relacijske družinske terapije. Prav tako smo ugotovili, da je doživljanje abstinenčne krize možno vsebinsko razvrstiti na pet glavnih kategorij. Športniki po koncu kariere so tako izrazili težave in krize v povezavi s telesnimi reakcijami (neprijetne organske senzacije, spremembe telesnih funkcij, slabše telesno počutje in telesne poškodbe), čustvenim doživljanjem (temeljni afekti, duševne stiske, čustveno procesiranje in razna druga občutja), športno kariero (slovo od kariere, športna identiteta in športna vadba), odnosi (lastno doživljanje, odnosi v športu, družinski odnosi in socialna mreža) in poklicno-ekonomskim statusom (izobrazba, poklic in finance). Zaključke raziskave je potrebno razumeti z upoštevanjem omejitev, predvsem v zvezi s sestavo vzorca v prvem delu raziskave in manjšim vzorcem v drugem delu raziskave, prav tako je pri razumevanju doživljanja težav po koncu kariere potrebno upoštevati individualno komponento in specifičnost posameznika. Doktorska disertacija prispeva k boljšemu razumevanju abstinenčnih kriz in težav športnikov po koncu kariere, z možnostjo uporabe modela relacijske družinske terapije kot obliko podpore športnikov po koncu kariere. Disertacija nadalje prispeva k razvoju stroke in programov, ki se srečuje oziroma so namenjeni športnikom po koncu kariere.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:zaključek športne kariere, športna tranzicija, abstinenčna kriza, relacijska družinska terapija
Vrsta gradiva:Doktorsko delo/naloga
Tipologija:2.08 - Doktorska disertacija
Organizacija:TEOF - Teološka fakulteta
Kraj izida:Ljubljana
Založnik:[G. Greif]
Leto izida:2021
Št. strani:XIII, 287, XII str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-138704 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
COBISS.SI-ID:119832835 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:10.08.2022
Število ogledov:1230
Število prenosov:184
Metapodatki:XML DC-XML DC-RDF
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:Abstinence crisis in athletes after career termination from the perspective of relational family therapy
Career termination is considered to be a special transition in the lives of athletes, in which there is a risk of various problems and abstinence crises. A lot of research report that some athletes have experienced certain transition problems and negative emotions at the end of their careers. Athletes who experience hardships and problems at the end of their careers often do not receive adequate social support or rarely seek professional help. Various interventions and support programs are available in sport psychology. According to the comprehensive treatment of athletes and the complexity of their problems at the end of their careers, it is possible to suggest alternative forms of support. In the doctoral dissertation, we wanted to explore some transition factors and athletes' experience after career termination from the perspective of relational family therapy, which represents, with more comprehensive and deeper addressing of transition problems, an alternative therapeutic intervention. The doctoral dissertation entitled Abstinence crisis in athletes after career termination in the light of relational family therapy is divided into a theoretical and an empirical part. In the theoretical part, we first presented the previous research on the phenomenon of sport retirement, focusing on theoretical approaches, the reasons for career termination, its consequences, and the factors of a successful transition. We continued to address selected factors, i.e. athletic identity, exercise addiction, emotional processing, and abstinence symptoms of depression, anxiety, and stress, which we explored in the empirical part. In the third part, we presented a model of relational family therapy, emphasizing the relational shift in psychoanalysis and the basic mechanisms of the model. In the last part of the theoretical part, we presented the theological aspect as an integrative part of sport, by analyzing the Bible from the perspective of sport and highlighting longing in a biblical context as a synonym for post-career transition changes. Then followed an empirical part, which we divided into a general quantitative part and a special qualitative part. In the quantitative part, we were interested in the level and correlations of athletic identity, exercise addiction, emotional processing, and abstinence symptoms of depression, anxiety and stress among ex-athletes. 98 athletes who have already finished their sports careers voluntarily joined the survey. Based on the analysis of the questionnaires, we determined the levels of these factors in the sample, which are quite comparable to other surveys. We further found that there is a statistically significant correlation between the level of athletic identity and the level of exercise addiction, the level of emotional processing and the level of abstinence symptoms, and between the level of emotional processing and the level of abstinence symptoms, in ex-athletes. There is no statistically significant correlation between the level of exercise addiction and emotional processing or abstincence symptoms in ex-athletes. In the qualitative part of the research, we wanted to better understand the experience of problems and abstinence crises in ex-athletes using the process of relational family therapy. The study included three participants, former athletes who faced problems after the end of their careers. We were interested in the possibility of addressing and solving problems from the relational family therapy perspective, and especially the characteristics and forms of experiencing an abstinence crisis and problems after career termination. We found that the problems and experiences of ex-athletes can be addressed and solved using the model of relational family therapy. We also found that the experiencing of the abstinence crisis can be divided into five main categories. After the end of their careers, athletes expressed problems and crises in connection with bodily reactions (unpleasant organic sensations, changes in bodily functions, poor physical well-being, and injuries), emotional experiences (basic emotions, mental distress, emotional processing, and various other feelings), sports career (farewell to career, athletic identity, and sports practice), relationships (own experience, relationships in sports, family relationships and social network) and occupational economic status (education, profession, and finance). The conclusions of the research should be understood by considering the limitations, especially regarding the composition of the sample in the first part of the research and the small sample in the second part of the research. The doctoral dissertation contributes to a better understanding of abstinence crises and problems of ex-athletes, with the possibility of using the model of relational family therapy as a form of support for ex-athletes. The dissertation further contributes to the development of the discipline and the programs that meet or are intended for ex-athletes.

Ključne besede:sport career termination, sport transition, abstinence crisis, relational family therapy

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