
Putinizem in njegov vpliv na razvoj sodobne Rusije : magistrsko delo
ID Brežnik, Maruša (Avtor), ID Javornik, Miha (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Povezava se odpre v novem oknu

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Pričujoča magistrska naloga je posvečena fenomenu putinizma, njegovim izbranim značilnostim in vplivu, ki ga ima na rusko družbo, gospodarstvo in razvoj v zadnjih dvajsetih letih. Kodeks putinizma, ki združuje tako motive lastnega interesa, kot ideje putinizma, med drugim etatizem, konservatizem in protizahodnost, nam priča o tem, da je politika in odločanje ruske elite odvisna od mnogo faktorjev in ne le od instrumentalne racionalnosti. Te osrednje ideje krepijo navade nadzora, reda in zvestobe, antipluralizma in možatosti, pridobljene v sovjetski državi, zlasti v njenih varnostnih organih, in čustva, povezana z izgubo statusa, zamerami, željo po spoštovanju in ranljivostjo. Vsi ti motivi se prepletajo in povezujejo putinizem v njegovi celoti, ter kažejo na kompleksnost definicije putinizma. Magistrska naloga zavrača enačenje pojmov ruskosti in putinizma, čeprav odkriva mnogo podobnih lastnosti, ki definirajo tako značaj režima kot vprašanja o ruski biti in nikoli končni ambivalentnosti ruske duše. V nalogi je predstavljen putinizem v svoji avtoritativni luči, in sicer kot konservativna, populistična in personalistična avtokracija, pri tem pa je orisan odraz vseh treh v putinističnem režimu. Opredeljen je tudi volilni avtoritarizem, ki se smatra za ruski režim 21. stoletja in ob njegovem boku tudi delovanje neformalnih klanskih mrež, ena izmed posebnih značilnosti putinizma in njen vpliv na spremembe vzorcev moči v Rusiji. Prav tako magistrska naloga podaja zanimivo primerjavo putinizmu podobnih režimov – bonapartizma in berlusconizma. Dejstvo, da putinizem vsebuje elemente iz teh sistemov, ne pomeni, da je Putin zavestno zgradil svoj sistem iz teh elementov, niti nanj niso neposredno ali posredno vplivali ti sistemi. V zaključku se magistrska naloga posveča trenutni situaciji in vprašanjam za prihodnost in postavi izzive, s katerimi se bo morala soočati Rusija, ko putinizma več ne bo, saj putinizem ni gibanje s trajno strukturo, ki bi preživelo vladavino svojega ustanovitelja, niti izviren program za preoblikovanje gospodarstva in družbe, njegova zunanja politika pa je v skladu s politiko, ki jo Rusija izvaja desetletja, če ne celo stoletja.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:putinizem, avtoritarizem, režim, konservatizem, politika, ideologija, politični voditelji, Rusija, Vladimir Putin
Vrsta gradiva:Magistrsko delo/naloga
Tipologija:2.09 - Magistrsko delo
Organizacija:FF - Filozofska fakulteta
Kraj izida:Ljubljana
Založnik:[M. Brežnik]
Leto izida:2021
Št. strani:76 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-138407 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
COBISS.SI-ID:119772931 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:20.07.2022
Število ogledov:758
Število prenosov:88
Metapodatki:XML DC-XML DC-RDF
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Ruski jezik
Naslov:Putinism and its influence on the development of modern Russia
This master's thesis is devoted to the phenomenon of Putinism, its selected characteristics and the impact it has had on Russian society, economy and development over the past twenty years. The Code of Putinism, which combines both self-interest motives and Putinist ideas, including statism, conservatism, and anti-Westernism, testifies to the fact that the politics and decision-making of Russian elites depend on many factors, not just instrumental rationality. These central ideas reinforce the habits of control, order and loyalty, anti-pluralism and hypermasculinity acquired in the Soviet state, especially in its security organs, and the emotions associated with loss of status, resentment, desire for respect and vulnerability. All these motives intertwine and connect Putinism as a whole, and point to the complexity of the definition of Putinism. The master's thesis rejects the equating of the notions of Russiannism and Putinism, although it reveals many similar features that define both the character of the regime and questions about the Russian essence and the never-ending ambivalence of the Russian soul. The thesis presents Putinism in its authoritative light, as a conservative, populist and personalist autocracy, while outlining the reflection of all three in the Putinist regime. It also defines electoral authoritarianism, which is considered the Russian regime of the 21st century, and alongside it the functioning of informal clan networks, one of the special features of Putinism and its influence on changes in power patterns in Russia. The master's thesis also provides an interesting comparison of Putin-like regimes - Bonapartism and Berlusconism. The fact that Putinism contains elements from these systems does not mean that Putin consciously built his system from these elements, nor was he directly or indirectly influenced by these systems. In conclusion, the master's thesis focuses on the current situation and issues for the future and poses challenges that Russia will have to face when Putinism is no more, as Putinism is not a movement with a permanent structure that would survive the rule of its founder, nor an original transformation program. economy and society, and its foreign policy is in line with the policy pursued by Russia for decades, if not centuries.

Ključne besede:Putinism, authoritarianism, regime, conservatism, politics, ideology, political leaders, Russia, Vladimir Putin

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