
Trženjske aktivnosti v laboratorijski zobni protetiki s primerom na cirkonij-oksidni keramiki : diplomsko delo
ID Kotar, Martin (Author), ID Bohinc, Peter (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Rojko, Franc (Comentor), ID Fošnarič, Miha (Reviewer)

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Uvod: Vzpostavitev odnosa med kupcem in prodajalcem je ključnega pomena za kakršnokoli obliko trženja. Prihajamo v digitalno dobo, zato je potrebno slediti trendom in jih upoštevati. Trženje je ena najbolj pomembnih usmeritev podjetij tako v poslovnem, kot tudi v osebnem življenju. Poznamo več marketinških teorij, ki vsebujejo različne trženjske instrumente. Pomembno je tudi načrtovanje ciljev in uresničitev le-teh. Namen diplomskega dela je predstaviti možnosti sodobnega trženja v zobozdravstvu. Mnogi zobozdravstveni delavci se neradi poslužujejo trženja, saj bi pretirano trženje lahko imelo negativen vpliv na potrošnike. V Sloveniji se tržijo le redki zobotehnični laboratoriji. Večinoma se uporabljajo spletne strani. Teoretično in slikovno je predstavljen izdelek, izdelan v zobotehničnem laboratoriju. Predstaviti smo želeli tudi razliko med kakovostno in nekakovostno fotografijo. Metode dela: V teoretičnem delu je uporabljena deskriptivna metoda, vir informacij pa so članki iz strokovnih knjig o trženju. Literatura je bila izbrana v knjižnicah, na spletnih straneh Cobiss, PubMed in Google Učenjak ter iz različnih virov angleškega izvora. Kot primer, sta bila v praktičnem delu izdelana most in solo prevleka iz cirkonijeve oksidne keramike. Rezultati: V diplomskem delu so predstavljene raziskave o samopromociji laboratorijev v osrednjeslovenski regiji. Podan je tudi primer promocije in trženja ter komunikacije med zobozdravnikom, zobotehnikom in pacientom na izdelavi cirkonijevega mostička. Delovne faze so predstavljene tudi s slikovnim gradivom. Razprava in zaključek: Na slovenskem območju lahko zaznamo precej pomanjkljivo trženje s strani laboratorijev. V namen trženja zobni protetiki ne vlagajo dovolj denarnih sredstev in na račun tega ne izkoriščajo svojega potenciala. Opažati je rahel trend v pozitivni smeri, vendar je ta trend še vedno premajhen za večji preobrat na trgu.

Keywords:diplomska dela, laboratorijska zobna protetika, trženje, zobozdravstvo, zobna protetika, CAD/CAM, cirkonijev oksid
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[M. Kotar]
Number of pages:34 str., [1] str. pril.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-138236 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:115148547 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:13.07.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Marketing in dental laboratory with practical case on zirconia : diploma work
Introduction: Establishing a relationship between buyer and seller is crucial for any form of marketing. We are coming into the digital age, so it is necessary to follow and observe trends. Marketing is one of the most important orientations of companies in both business and personal life. We know several marketing theories that contain various marketing instruments. It is also important to plan goals and achieve them. The purpose of this study is to present the possibilities of modern marketing in dentistry. Many dental workers are reluctant to resort to marketing, as excessive marketing could have a negative impact on consumers. Only a few dental laboratories are marketed in Slovenia. Websites are mostly used. A product manufactured in a dental laboratory is presented theoretically and pictorially. I also wanted to present the difference between quality and low-quality photography. Methods of work: In the theoretical part, a descriptive method is used, and the source of information are articles from professional books on marketing. The literature was selected in libraries, on the Cobiss, PubMed and Google Scholar websites, and from various sources of English origin. As an example, in the practical part, a bridge and a solo veneer of zirconium oxide ceramics were made. Results: This study presents research on the self - promotion of laboratories in the central slovenian region. An example of promotion and marketing of communication between a dentist, a dental technician and a patient on the construction of a zirconia bridge is also given. The work phases are also presented with pictorial material. Discussion and conclusion: In the Slovenian area, we can detect a rather deficient marketing by laboratories. For the purpose of marketing, dental prosthetics do not invest enough money and do not use their potential at the expense of this. There is a slight trend in a positive direction, but this trend is still too small for a major turnaround in the market.

Keywords:diploma theses, laboratory dental prosthetics, marketing, dentistry, dental prosthetics, CAD/CAM, zirconium

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