
Ovrednotenje psihološke prakse na študiju psihologije : magistrsko delo
ID Težak, Timotej (Author), ID Bajec, Boštjan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Raziskav, ki bi se ukvarjale s proučevanjem EuroPsy kompetenc pri študentih psihologije, je malo, čeprav sta raziskovanje in ovrednotenje teh eden izmed ključnih pogojev za izboljševanje in zagotavljanje kakovostnega visokošolskega študija. V okviru svoje magistrske naloge sem kvalitativno ovrednotil psihološko študijsko prakso, pri čemer sem se osredotočil na kvalitativno analizo novih znanj, ki so jih študenti pridobili na praksi, primarnih kompetenc EuroPsy, ki so jih študenti razvijali tekom prakse, in zadovoljstva študentov z opravljanjem prakse. S tem namenom sem analiziral 27 strokovnih poročil 15 študentov psihologije o opravljanju psihološke študijske prakse na področjih psihologije izobraževanja, klinične psihologije ter psihologije dela in organizacije. Rezultati so pokazali, da so študenti v okviru prakse skupaj razvijali 16 različnih primarnih kompetenc. Pri tem so največ različnih primarnih kompetenc (15) razvijali na področju psihologije izobraževanja. Na podlagi analize rezultatov zaključujem, da so študenti psihologije v glavnem bili zadovoljni z mentoriranjem, ki so ga prejeli tekom opravljanja prakse, in da so v času prakse pogrešali predvsem več sodelovanja v aktivnostih, povezanih z razvijanjem primarnih kompetenc intervencije. Ugotovitve, v zvezi z razvijanimi primarnimi kompetencami na praksi in zadovoljstvom z opravljanjem prakse, so lahko v pomoč tako visokošolskim učiteljem pri oblikovanju kakovostnega študija psihologije, kot tudi mentorjem psihološke študijske oz. supervizirane prakse pri načrtovanju čim bolj poučne in prijetne prakse.

Keywords:EuroPsy, kompetence, psihološka praksa, študenti psihologije, ovrednotenje
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[T. Težak]
Number of pages:30 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-137675 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:116170755 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:25.06.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Evaluation of psychological practice on study of psychology
There are only a few studies of EuroPsy competences among psychology students, although research and evaluation of these represents one of the key conditions for improving and ensuring higher education quality. As part of my master's thesis, I qualitatively evaluated psychological study practice, focusing on a qualitative analysis of new knowledge acquired by students in the practice, primary EuroPsy competencies developed by students during the practice, and student satisfaction with the practice. I analyzed 27 professional reports of 15 psychology students about psychological study practice in the fields of educational psychology, clinical psychology, and work and organizational psychology. The results showed that the students developed a total of 16 different primary competencies. Most primary competencies (15) were developed in the field of educational psychology. Based on the analysis of the results, I concluded that psychology students were mostly satisfied with the mentoring they received during their psychological practice. Additionally, they mostly wished they could have participated in more activities related to developing primary intervention competencies. Findings related to the developed primary competencies and satisfaction with the practice can help both higher education teachers in designing quality psychology studies, as well as mentors of psychological study or supervised practice in planning as educational und enjoyable practice as possible.

Keywords:EuroPsy, competence, internship, psychology students, evaluation

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