
Wettability of polymer housings of electronic components treated by non-equilibrium gaseous plasma
ID PRODANOVIĆ, JELENA (Author), ID Gyergyek, Tomaž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Mozetič, Miran (Comentor)

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Electronic components are usually embedded in polymer housings and impregnated with two-component liquid polymers, which are cured to protect the components from degradation. The wettability of the polymer housing is inadequate; it should be modified by treatment with gaseous plasma. The surface finish of the housing depends on plasma parameters. Two-stage processing was examined. The housings made from polypropylene blends were first exposed to a gaseous plasma sustained by inductively coupled radio-frequency discharge in the active discharge mode (also called inductive coupling or H-mode). The housings were then processeded with a flowing afterglow mode of oxygen plasma. The hypothesis is that the first treatment using plasma in the H-mode causes the formation of dangling bonds, which are then occupied by oxygen atoms to form polar functional groups and thus cause optimal wettability. The first treatment was performed at two pressures and three gases (hydrogen, nitrogen, and air) for a second. The second treatment was performed at different fluences of neutral oxygen atoms. The wettability was determined by a sessile-drop method. The correlation between the fluence of O-atoms and surface wettability was drawn. The hypothesis about the existence of the optimal range of fluences, where the wettability is optimal, was confirmed. The quantification of the hypothesized surface wettability versus the fluence of O-atoms is the major contribution to the science of plasma-surface interaction.

Keywords:plasma, polypropylene, wettability, polymers
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-137578 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:112916739 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:22.06.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Omočljivost polimernih ohišij elektronskih komponent obdelanih z neravnovesno plinsko plazmo
Elektronske komponente so običajno vgrajene v polimerna ohišja in impregnirane z dvokomponentnimi tekočimi polimeri, ki se kasneje utrdijo, da zaščitijo komponente pred škodljivimi vplivi okolja. Omočljivost polimernega ohišja ni zadostna, zato jo je treba spremeniti z obdelavo s plinsko plazmo. Površinska omočljivost ohišja je odvisna od parametrov plazme. V okviru magistrskega dela sem preučila vpliv dvostopenjske obdelave na omočljivost. Polipropilenska ohišja sem najprej izpostavila plinski plazmi, ki sem jo generirala z induktivno sklopljeno radiofrekvenčno razelektritvijo v H-načinu delovanja. Nato sem ohišja obdelala s porazelektritvijo kisikove plazme. Potrdila sem hipotezo, da prva obdelava s plazmo v H-načinu povzroči nastanek prostih vezi, ki jih nato zasedejo atomi kisika in s tem tvorijo polarne funkcionalne skupine, kar povzroči optimalno omočljivost. Prvo obdelavo sem izvedla pri dveh različnih tlakih in treh različnih plinih (vodik, dušik in zrak). Drugo obdelavo sem izvedla pri različnih dozah nevtralnih atomov kisika. Omočljivost tako obdelanih vzorcev sem določila po metodi merjenja kontaktnih kotov vodnih kapljic. Izluščila sem korelacijo med prejeto dozo kisikovih atomov in omočljivostjo površine. Po zastavljeni hipotezi obstaja optimalno območje doz, kjer je omočljivost največja. Kvantifikacija hipotetične omočljivosti površine v odvisnosti od prejete doze atomov je glavni prispevek k znanosti o interakciji plazme s površinami polimernih materialov.

Keywords:plazma, polipropilen, omočljivost, polimeri

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