
Estetika grdega skozi fotografijo
ID Dernovšek, Tina (Avtor)

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Pogledi na grdo so raznovrstni in le nekateri od njih so v strokovni literaturi temeljiteje obravnavani. V diplomskem delu skozi analizo referenčnih avtorjev proučujem pojave in dojemanje grdega v zahodni kulturi z vidika teorije estetike, zgodovine, umetnosti in filozofije. Grdoto v vsakdanjem življenju pogosto srečujemo, nima pa enotne definicije svoje vloge za posameznika in družbo. Sprašujem se, kaj je grdo na osebni in kulturni ravni, kako priti do grdega in ga prepoznati ter zakaj je grdo potrebno in uporabno. Definiram pojme estetika, gledanje, videnje, fotografska in estetska percepcija. Ugotovitve poenotim v tri kategorije grdega in opisujem proces iskanja ustreznih podob grdega okoli sebe. Te na koncu najdem v sebi in zgradim objekt, ki služi kot motiv za serijo fotografij in fotozin. Ugotavljam, da se grdo vedno vzpostavlja v odnosu do gledalca; v svojem bistvu je stvar percepcije posameznika. Enotnega odgovora na Kaj je grdo? ni, in to hkrati tudi je odgovor.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:vizualne komunikacije, fotografija, filozofija grdega, estetika grdega, groteska, umazanija, trenutek grdega, kategorije grdega, prvinsko grdo, kič, kamp, slab okus, umetnost Thomasson, poželenje in strast, prostaško in boleče, diplomska naloga
Vrsta gradiva:Diplomsko delo/naloga
Organizacija:ALUO - Akademija za likovno umetnost in oblikovanje
Leto izida:2022
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-137452 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:17.06.2022
Število ogledov:1651
Število prenosov:278
Metapodatki:XML DC-XML DC-RDF
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:Aesthetics of ugliness through photography
Views on the ugly are diverse and only a few of them are more thoroughly discussed in the technical literature. In my dissertation, through the analysis of referential authors, I study the phenomena and perceptions of the ugly in Western culture from the perspective of the theory of aesthetics, history, art and philosophy. Ugliness is often encountered in everyday life, but it does not have a unified definition of its role for the individual and society. I wonder what is ugly on a personal and cultural level, how to get to the ugly and recognize it, and why the ugly is necessary and useful. I define the concepts of aesthetics, viewing, seeing, photographic and aesthetic perception. I unify the findings into three categories of ugly and describe the process of finding relevant images of ugly around me. I eventually find these in myself and build an object that serves as a motif for a series of photographs and a photozin. I find that ugly is always in relation to the viewer; it is essentially a matter of individual perception. There is no single answer to What is ugly?, and that at the same time is the answer.

Ključne besede:visual communications, photography, philosophy of the ugly, aesthetics of the ugly, grotesque, dirt, the moment of ugliness, categories of ugly, primordial ugly, kitsch, camp, bad taste, Thomasson art, lust and passion, vulgar and painful, ba thesis

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