Introduction: The goal of first aid is to save lives, alleviate suffering, prevent further illness or injury, and encourage recovery. The goal of chest injury care is early identification and treatment of serious and life-threatening conditions in prehospital environment. Purpose:
The purpose of the diploma work is to present first aid guidelines for chest injuries and diseases based on a comparison of Slovenian and foreign literature. Methods: In the diploma work we used a descriptive method. Data were searched, collected and reviewed in the period from December 2020 to March 2022. Results: We found out that the Slovenian first aid guidelines for chest injuries and illnesses are similar whit those in foreign countries. We presented the most common chest injuries and diseases, which are symptoms and signs to recognize them and how to act. We presented the importance of the 112 call. We found that the first approach to the injured person is very important. We need to follow the exact order of measures to ensure proper, effective and quality care. Discussion and conclusion: First aid is one of the noblest acts a man can do for another. However, a lot of expertise and explanations are needed to help. The first aid guidelines are written in order to help first aid providers identify various conditions and injuries and take appropriate action. The most important thing is that first aid providers take care of their safety so that they can help those in need. They must know the basics of the approach to injured persons and at least know how to call 112.