
Proučevanje bioluminescenčne metode za ocenjevanje mikrobiološke kakovosti prostorov v sterilni proizvodnji v bolnišnici : doktorska disertacija
ID Tršan, Mateja (Avtor), ID Srčič, Stanko (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Povezava se odpre v novem oknu, ID Seme, Katja (Komentor)

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Za kontrolo mikrobiološke kakovosti čistih prostorov v Lekarni Univerzitetnega kliničnega centra v Ljubljani (UKCL) smo uporabili relativno novo bioluminescenčno metodo merjenja celokupnega adenozin trifosfata (ATP), ki postaja vedno pogosteje uporabljena za oceno ustreznosti mikrobiološke čistosti površin, pa tudi v bolnišničnem okolju na intenzivnih enotah. Ker se v farmacevtski proizvodnji zaradi nedefiniranosti kriterijev ustreznosti in korelacije z obstoječimi metodami kontrole mikrobiološke ustreznosti še ne uporablja, predstavlja naše delo novost in pomemben prispevek na tem področju. Še več, testiranje smo izvajali v čistih prostorih in sterilni proizvodnji v klinični lekarni UKCL, kjer imajo ažurni podatki o ustreznosti mikrobioloških parametrov delovnega okolja še toliko večji pomen. Predvidevali smo, da je bioluminescenčna metoda kljub nizki mikrobni obremenitvi nadzorovanih prostorov zaradi svojega delovnega principa še dovolj občutljiva za rutinsko uporabo ter zaradi enostavnosti uporabna kot hitro in učinkovito orodje kontrole mikrobiološke kakovosti in kot orodje za zaznavanje sprememb ter spremljanje trendov. Na podlagi šestletnega spremljanja mikrobioloških pogojev sterilne proizvodnje v bolnišnični lekarni UKCL smo pripravili katalog mikrobiote, ki smo ga uporabili predvsem kot osnovo za proučevanje primernosti bioluminescenčne metode za kontrolo ustreznosti spremljanega delovnega okolja. Med izolati v posameznih čistih prostorih nismo zaznali bistvenih razlik – v vseh je bil pri več kot 70 % vseh izoliranih mikrorganizmih njihov izvor človek. Med izolati je bilo 76,7 % grampozitivnih bakterij, 8,7 % gramnegativnih bakterij ter 8,2 % gliv in plesni. Najpogosteje izolirane so bile bakterije rodu Staphylococcus spp., Micrococcus luteus, Acinetobacter in sporogene vrste Bacillus spp. Prvo in drugo hipotezo, ki pravi, da je bioluminescenčna metoda merjenja celokupnega ATP-ja primerna za oceno čistosti proizvodnega okolja ter tudi primerna za validacijo in kontrolo čiščenja, smo potrjevali s primerjavo s klasičnimi mikrobiološkimi metodami. Tretjo hipotezo, ki pravi, da je metoda dovolj občutljiva za uporabo v čistih prostorih, smo potrdili, ker so bile vse izmerjene količine prisotnega ATP-ja v vzorcih, ki so bili odvzeti v čistih prostorih, v merilnem območju opreme. Za potrjevanje četrte hipoteze, ki pravi, da za določeno okolje obstaja korelacija med izmerjeno količino RLU (Relative Light Unit) in CFU (Colony Forming Unit), smo program bioluminescenčnega testiranja izvajali paralelno s klasično mikrobiološko kontrolo. Za vrednotenje rezultatov in postavitev akcijskih mej smo prostore najprej razdelili v več smiselnih kategorij ter določili akcijske meje, nato pa iskali korelacijo obeh metod po posameznih kategorijah. Prvotno smo iskali korelacijo med CFU in RLU, vendar je nismo uspeli potrditi. V nadaljevanju smo zato metodi primerjali glede uspešnosti napovedi neustreznega rezultata. V dveh kategorijah prostorov sta bili metodi primerljivi, v dveh pa je bila metoda ATP superiorna. Zgornji rezultat je pravzaprav logičen, ker so v rezultatih bioluminescenčne metode zajete vrednosti ATP-ja, prisotnega v živih celicah, ki je v direktni korelaciji s CFU-jem, in sproščenega ATP-ja iz mrtvih mikroorganizmov ali/in zaostankov uporabljenih organskih materialov. Slednji je dejanski pokazatelj onesnaženja kot potencialnega gojišča za mikroorganizme ali potencialnega vira pirogenov, kar je za sterilno proizvodnjo prav tako pomembno kot sam intracelularni oz. mikrobni ATP.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:bolnišnice, lekarne, delovno okolje, čisti prostori, higiena, mikrobiološka kakovost, kontaminacija, mikroorganizmi, zaznavanje, bioluminiscenčna metoda, ATP, mikrobiološko testiranje, disertacije
Vrsta gradiva:Doktorska disertacija
Tipologija:2.08 - Doktorska disertacija
Organizacija:FFA - Fakulteta za farmacijo
Kraj izida:Ljubljana
Založnik:[M. Tršan]
Leto izida:2020
Št. strani:157 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-137119-99928c62-bd8c-fcd5-8e55-5faaea512bcf Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
COBISS.SI-ID:18436355 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:01.06.2022
Število ogledov:826
Število prenosov:90
Metapodatki:XML DC-XML DC-RDF
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:The study of the bioluminescence method for evaluating the microbiological quality of cleanrooms in hospital : doctoral dissertation
A new bioluminescence method for the measurement of total adenosine triphosphate (ATP) was used to control the quality of clean rooms for the preparation of individual parenteral therapies, which is becoming increasingly used method for assessing the suitability of surfaces, including the hospital environment on intensive care units. Due to the fact that in the pharmaceutical production due to the undefined criteria of relevance and correlation with the existing methods of microbiological compliance control, our work is a novelty and a great contribution in this direction. Moreover, testing was carried out in clean rooms and in sterile production, where the up-to-date data on the appropriateness of the microbiological parameters of the working environment have an even greater significance. It was assumed that the bioluminescence method, despite the low microbial load of the controlled premices due to its working principle, is sufficiently sensitive to routine use and, due to simplicity, is useful as a quick and effective quality control tool and a tool for detecting changes and monitoring trends. Based on a six-year monitoring program of the microbiological conditions of sterile production at the UKCL Pharmacy, we prepared a microbiota catalog, which was used primarily as a basis for studying the suitability of the bioluminescence method for controlling the suitability of the working environment. There was no significant difference between isolated species in a single clean room. In all, more than 70% of all isolated microorganisms human were their source. Among the isolates, there were 76.7% Gram-positive bacteria, 8.7% Gram-negative bacteria and 8.2% fungi and molds. The most commonly isolated were the bacteria of the genus Staphylococcus spp., Micrococcus luteus, Acinetobacter and sporogenic Bacillus spp. The first and second hypotheses that the bioluminescence method of measuring the entire ATP is suitable for assessing the purity of the production environment and also suitable for validation and purification control, was confirmed by comparison with conventional microbiological methods. The third hypothesis that the method is sufficiently sensitive for use in clean rooms was confirmed by the fact that the quantities of ATP present in clean rooms were taken samples in the measuring range of equipment. In order to confirm the fourth hypothesis that there is a correlation between the measured quantity of RLU (Relative Luminescent Units) and CFU (Colony Forming Units) for a particular environment, the bioluminescent testing program was performed parallel to microbiological control. In order to evaluate the results and set up the action limits, we first divided the spaces into several meaningful categories, defined the action limits, and then searched for the correlation of methods by individual categories. We initially sought a correlation between CFU and RLU, but we were not able to confirm. The results were then evaluated for relevance and compared the method with respect to performance in finding an inadequate working surface. In two categories of premises, the methods were comparable and in two the ATP method was superior. In rooms with more stringent requirements, we did not confirm characteristic differences between methods, while in rooms with less stringent requirements and non-sterile production; we find the new method more sensitive. With used bioluminescence method, we measured the amount of ATP from living cells, which is directly correlated to the CFU and ATP, which is released from the dead microorganisms and from used materials. The latter is an actual indicator of pollution, as a potential medium for microorganisms or a potential source of pyrogens, which is of even greater importance for sterile production than the intracellular or microbial ATP.

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