Consumer engagement on social networks, one of the main marketing channels today, is used by companies to develop quality relationships with their customers for future benefit. To engage them in their content actively, companies have to make sure to create a benefit for the consumer in the first place. This thesis investigates the relationship between consumer engagement on brands' social media, perceived consumer value, which includes utilitarian, hedonic, and social dimensions, and purchase intention. The conceptual model and the hypotheses linking the proposed variables are based on existing sources. The data was acquired through an online survey and analyzed with the partial least square method using SmartPLS software. The results show that consumer engagement affects all perceived value dimensions with the highest effect on the hedonic and the lowest on social value. Consumer engagement and purchase intention have also been positively linked by the research. The impact of perceived value on purchasing intention is most strongly influenced by the utilitarian dimension followed by the hedonic dimension while the impact of the social dimension is slightly negative. In the case of mediation between variables, consumer engagement has the strongest link through the utilitarian value with hedonic in the second place while social value has an insignificant impact on purchase intention.