
Razvoj embalaže živil skozi čas in njena prihodnost
ID Kržišnik, Valentina (Avtor), ID Gregor Svetec, Diana (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Povezava se odpre v novem oknu

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MD5: EB743D5EF0D31889BBD750BFE9B7CE4E

Diplomsko delo obravnava dve temi, material embalaže za živila ter sodobne tipe embalaže živil. Teoretični del obsega splošno o embalaži živil, delitve po posameznih materialih in temeljit opis njihovih lastnosti, vrste sodobne embalaže ter podrobnejši opis le-teh. Eksperimentalni del obsega analizo trga ter anketo. Analiza trga je tako kot v teoretičnem delu razdeljena na materiale, ki so razdeljeni na tipe embalaže iz določenega materiala. Vsak tip je podrobneje opisan in prikazan na slikah. Poleg tega je pri vsakem materialu poleg podan še primer razvoja določene embalaže živila. Tako lažje vidimo razvoj materiala embalaže v času ter kaj vse je privedlo do sodobne oblike take embalaže. V anketi me je zanimalo, ali je kupcem pomemben material embalaže, so pri nakupih živil nanj pozorni ali ne, se jim zdi uporaba plastične embalaže pretirana ali ne, ali poznajo pametno embalažo, so jo pripravljeni tudi kupiti in mogoče celo za živilo v taki embalaži odšteti več denarja. Rezultati ankete so pokazali, da so kupci delno pozorni na material embalaže; uporaba plastične embalaže se jim zdi pretirana, podpirajo zaračunavanje vrečk za enkratno uporabo in večina jih ni seznanjena s pojmom pametna embalaža, vendar pa bi bili mogoče zanjo pripravljeni odšteti več denarja.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:embalaža živil, material embalaže, razvoj embalaže, analiza trga, sodobna embalaža.
Vrsta gradiva:Diplomsko delo/naloga
Organizacija:NTF - Naravoslovnotehniška fakulteta
Leto izida:2022
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-136432 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:04.05.2022
Število ogledov:593
Število prenosov:83
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:The Evolution of Food Packaging Through Time and It's Future
The diploma’s thesis focuses on two topics – food packaging materials and modern types of food packaging. The theoretical part presents the basics of food packaging, its division into materials, description of their materials features, and detailed description of types of modern packaging. The experimental part consists of market analysis and a survey. Just like in the theoretical part, the market analysis is divided into materials that are divided into types of packaging from a particular material. Every type of food packaging is detailedly described and shown in pictures. For every type of material, there is a description of its evolution through time. This represents important milestones in evolution and what brought packaging to its modern figure. In a survey, I was interested in whether the customers are interested in food packaging materials, whether they are aware of food packaging materials when they buy them, whether they think the use of plastic packaging is exaggerated, whether they have already heard of smart packaging, and whether they are prepared to buy it or pay more money for it. The analysis of the results showed that the buyers are partially aware of food packaging materials. They think the use of plastic packaging is exaggerated. They support charging plastic bags in shops and they are mostly not familiar with smart packaging although they would possibly pay more for it.

Ključne besede:food packaging, packaging material, packaging evolution, market analysis, modern packaging.

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