For fasting, we can say that it is part of the Christian tradition. The meaning and purpose of which in a secularized society is somewhat obscured or lost. Therefore, we can say that we do not know how to fully value the strong spirituality that comes from it. On the other hand, there are many people who are enthusiastic about ascetic exercises and fasting which come from Eastern religious fields. This dictates the need to evaluate fasting within the tradition of the Bible and the historical development of the Church. Christianity is not self-destruction, but life-oriented. The paper seeks to point out that fasting leads to the orderliness of the individual's life and relationships, therefore it is important to rediscover the meaning, message and spirituality of fasting. It follows that in viewing it is important to pass up food for the body and asceticism (which fasting as such also means) to the most exalted sacrament - the Holy Eucharist. We want to interpret this whole path through the aspect of the Bible, tradition and the lives of saints.
Man has a soul and a body. In the present work we want to highlight the importance of food for the body, but also the renunciation of what takes away the sharpness of the spirit; thus the ear for being able to hear and live from the Word, which is more than food and guides us to food for eternal life. It directs us to the sacrament of the Holy Eucharist, which is the source and culmination of the life and mission of the Church. God created man as a spiritual and physical being.