
Fibers obtained from invasive alien plant species as a base material for paper production
ID Starešinič, Marica (Avtor), ID Boh Podgornik, Bojana (Avtor), ID Javoršek, Dejana (Avtor), ID Leskovšek, Mirjam (Avtor), ID Možina, Klemen (Avtor)

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URLURL - Izvorni URL, za dostop obiščite https://www.mdpi.com/1999-4907/12/5/527 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu

Invasive alien plant species (IAPS) are one of the biggest challenges in European ecosystems, displacing local vegetation, destroying agricultural land, and causing billions of dollars of damage to the European economy every year. Many of them are removed daily and mainly burned. In this work, we investigated the possibilities of using plants as feedstock for paper production. Papers made from three invasive alien plants, i.e., Knotweed, Goldenrod, and Black locust, were studied and compared with commercial office paper. The study included testing of: (1) structural properties— basic physical properties, grammage, thickness, density and specific volume, moisture content, and ash content; (2) physical and dynamic mechanical properties—tensile strength, Clark stiffness, viscoelastic properties; (3) colorimetric properties of prints; (4) effect of UV light on ageing; and (5) study of cellulose fiber structure and morphology by microscopy. The results suggested that the paper produced can be used as commercial office paper, considering that the paper is slightly dyed. Such papers can also be used for special purposes that present a natural style and connection to nature. The papers produced can also be used for printing documents that are meant to be kept.

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Ključne besede:cellulose, paper, invasive alien plants, knotweeds, goldenrods, black locust, scanning electron microscopy, dynamic mechanical analysis
Vrsta gradiva:Članek v reviji
Tipologija:1.01 - Izvirni znanstveni članek
Organizacija:NTF - Naravoslovnotehniška fakulteta
Status publikacije:Objavljeno
Različica publikacije:Objavljena publikacija
Leto izida:2021
Št. strani:26 str.
Številčenje:Vol. 12, iss. 5, art. 527
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-135299 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
ISSN pri članku:1999-4907
DOI:10.3390/f12050527 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
COBISS.SI-ID:61591555 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:07.03.2022
Število ogledov:2051
Število prenosov:440
Metapodatki:XML DC-XML DC-RDF
STAREŠINIČ, Marica, BOH PODGORNIK, Bojana, JAVORŠEK, Dejana, LESKOVŠEK, Mirjam in MOŽINA, Klemen, 2021, Fibers obtained from invasive alien plant species as a base material for paper production. Forests [na spletu]. 2021. Vol. 12, no. 5,  527. [Dostopano 23 marec 2025]. DOI 10.3390/f12050527. Pridobljeno s: https://repozitorij.uni-lj.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=slv&id=135299
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Gradivo je del revije

Skrajšan naslov:Forests
COBISS.SI-ID:3872166 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu


Licenca:CC BY 4.0, Creative Commons Priznanje avtorstva 4.0 Mednarodna
Opis:To je standardna licenca Creative Commons, ki daje uporabnikom največ možnosti za nadaljnjo uporabo dela, pri čemer morajo navesti avtorja.
Začetek licenciranja:01.05.2021

Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:celuloza, papir, invazivne tujerodne rastline, dresnik, zlata rozga, robinija, rastrska elektronska mikroskopija, dinamična mehanska analiza


Financer:EC - European Commission
Program financ.:European Regional Development Fund, Urban Innovative Action
Številka projekta:UIA02-228

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