The emergence of technology, which over the years has taken one of the leading roles in human everyday life, has also changed the field of the education sector. ICT skills are at the forefront, without which normal functioning is already difficult in many places. In the master's thesis we will firstly discuss the definitions of ICT, which can be found in the literature, its classifications and the effects of technology in teaching. In the following, we will also examine the current state of the use of ICT in education in the countries of Central Europe and get acquainted with the strategies and visions to which countries are striving. With the rise of technology around the world, various teaching models have emerged, which also include a component of technology. As a basis for our research, we took the TPACK model (Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge), which consists of seven areas. We will present the TPACK model more detailed, as are its related teaching models and the integration of the model into practice. In the empirical part we will continue with the results of a research in which we studied the competencies of higher education teachers in Central Europe, their integration of ICT in the teaching process and participation in further training, the impact of gender, experience and attitudes on ICT and ICT use in higher education by teachers who teach students, future teachers.