
Šentvidčani ali Ljubljančani: Študija identitete prostora
ID Bučalič, Martin (Avtor), ID Jezernik, Božidar (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Povezava se odpre v novem oknu

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V diplomski nalogi obravnavam kraj Šentvid nad Ljubljano skozi prizmo konceptov identitete in prostora. Preučil bom razmerje kraja z mestom Ljubljano. Rdeča nit celotne naloge gre v smeri prikazovanja kraja Šentvida kot zgodovinskega predmestja Ljubljane, vendar s svojo lastno bogato zgodovino ter lastnimi družbenimi procesi. Ti družbeni procesi, kot bomo lahko videli, so za tako majhen kraj, kot je Šentvid, potekali zelo intenzivno. Natančno bom preučil zgodovino kraja. Prikazal bom, kako točno so potekali procesi industrializacije, deagrarizacije, urbanizacije po drugi svetovni vojni ter kakšni so bili demografski trendi kraja skozi čas. Pri vprašanju identitete se ne bom ustavil pri iskanju odgovora na to, ali se krajani štejejo za Šentvidčane ali Ljubljančane. Pač pa bom preko poznavanja zgodovine kraja razčlenil vprašanje identitete. Ugotovil bom, da je vprašanje identitete v kraju, veliko bolj kompleksno, kot samo dve omenjeni možnosti. V diplomski nalogi bom vzporedno preučeval dva procesa. Najprej se bom posvetil preučevanju procesa produkcije prostora, tudi preko institucij, ki so bile v danem trenutku v Šentvidu najbolj vplivne. Nadaljeval bom z vprašanjem identifikacije v kraju, pri katerem nam veliko pomaga prav poznavanje zgodovinskega razvoja danega območja. Poleg branja literature o kraju ter intenzivnega terenskega dela, so rezultati, ki jih bom predstavil, tudi plod polstrukturiranega intervjuja z Branetom Kopačem, predsednikom Društva Blaž Potočnikova čitalnica.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:Šentvid nad Ljubljano, urbanizacija, demografski razvoj, identiteta, družbeni prostor, družbeni procesi, predmestje.
Vrsta gradiva:Diplomsko delo/naloga
Organizacija:FF - Filozofska fakulteta
Leto izida:2022
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-134941 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:12.02.2022
Število ogledov:757
Število prenosov:100
Metapodatki:XML DC-XML DC-RDF
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:People of Šentvid or people of Ljubljana: The study of the identity of space
In my diploma thesis, I deal with the city district of Šentvid through the prism of the concepts of identity and space. I will examine its relationship with the city of Ljubljana. The entire thesis is centered in the direction of showing the place of Šentvid as a historical suburb of Ljubljana, but with its own rich history and its own social processes. These social processes, as we will be able to see, took place very intensively for such a small area. I will elaborate on the history of the settlement. I will show exactly how the processes of industrialization, deagrarization, urbanization took place after the Second World War and what were the demographic trends of the place over time. When it comes to the question of identity, I will not stop with just answering the question of whether locals are considered to be people of Šentvid or Ljubljana. However, through my knowledge of the history of the place, I will analyze the bare question of identity itself. I will find that the question of identity in a place is much more complex than just the two allowed possibilities of identity. In my thesis, I will study two processes in parallel. The first is the study of the production of space also through the institutions that were the most influential in Šentvid at a certain time. The second process is the issue of identification in a place, where knowing the historical development of a given area helps us understand the issue greatly. In addition to reading literature about the area and intensive fieldwork in Šentvid, the results I will present are also the result of a semi-structured interview conducted with Brane Kopač, president of the Društvo Blaž Potočnikova čitalnica.

Ključne besede:Šentvid above Ljubljana, urbanization, demographic development, identity, social space, social processes, suburb.

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