Potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L.) play an essential role in the human diet. It is a tuber crop that needs loose, deep and fertile soil with sufficient nutrients for good growth and development. In order to make production economically viable, various fertilizers are being developed which are expected to increase the yield of tubers. At the Biotechnical Faculty, we conducted three block field experiments with two varieties of potatoes. We planted two potato varieties ('KIS Sora' and 'Memphis'). We applied three different fertilizers (1- mineral fertilization we used 888kg/ha NPK 6-12-24 + 6% SO3 and 296 kg/ha KAN for additional fertilization; 2- organic-mineral SCAM fertilization we used 1100 kg/ha Superalbe Max and 300 kg/ha SuperRobur for additional fertilization; 3- for the control fertilization we used 760 kg/ha NPK 0-14-28, and did not additionally fertilize). We were interested in the effect of different forms and amounts of nitrogen on potato yield, and the dynamics of ammonium and nitrate in the soil. Nitrogen in the first and second sampling was relatively equal. The differences were shown in the third case, the highest ground mineral nitrogen was in mineral fertilization (65.7 kg/ha) and the lowest in OM fertilization (48.8 kg/ha). When the crop was harvested, we observed a marked difference between the fertilized plots where we did not add nitrogen and those where we did. Due to unfavorable weather conditions, 2019 was less favorable for potato production. The yield of the variety 'KIS Sora' was 15820 kg/ha, the variety 'Memphis' achieved a 37.7% lower yield. The potatoes in the control plots were smaller and the total yield was lower, at 9159 kg/ha, the total yield in the plots with mineral fertilization was at 14,170 kg/ha and in the plots with organic-mineral SCAM fertilization at 15300 kg/ha.