Leadership is a wide concept with a large set of different definitions. Studying this concept is important in different areas, in the case of my study especially for leadership styles. We know many different leadership styles with also many different names for them. Styes are not divided into successful and unsuccessful, as everyone has contributed their part and in the end we can find that the right mix of them is the best style. Leadership and style can also be explored in leadership in relation to the organizational climate. We understand the organizational climate as a set of characteristics that can affect an individual. The study of this concept is important in various disciplines, precisely because the concept is so strongly related to well-being of the individual in a particular environment. We can study both concepts together, as it is one of the qualities of leadership that can affect an individual, either well or not well, depends on the right usage of style. To study both of the concepts together is important mostly because these are the concepts where the wellbeing of the individual is at the forefront, so it is important that we look for possible connections between them.