
Pomen in učinki procesa fokusinga v kontekstu relacijske družinske terapije
ID Vrhunc Tomazin, Mateja (Avtor), ID Simonič, Barbara (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Povezava se odpre v novem oknu

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Doktorska disertacija obravnava poseben način vstopanja na implicitno področje posameznikove izkušnje, imenovan fokusing, ki ga je razvil in utemeljil E. Gendlin. Namen dela je bil raziskati pomen in učinke procesa fokusinga v kontekstu relacijske družinske terapije. V teoretičnem delu disertacija ponudi pregled teorije o fokusingu, razloži bistvene koncepte fokusinga, kako izsledki sodobne nevroznanosti podprejo tako principe fokusinga kot relacijske družinske terapije. Predstavi osrednji del fokusinga, notranjega referenta oz. felt sense (občuteno zaznavo) ter tudi teoretični pogled na možnosti križanja fokusinga in relacijske družinske terapije v integrativni model psihoterapije. Raziskovalni del naloge je sestavljen iz kvalitativnega in kvantitativnega dela. Oba sta potekala po zaključenem ciklusu relacijske družinske terapije (12 srečanj). Namen prvega, kvalitativnega dela, je bil raziskati, kako posamezniki doživljajo sam proces fokusinga. V ta del je bila vključena le raziskovalna skupina, ki se je za namene raziskave pol leta usposabljala za uporabo fokusinga v obliki izkustvene delavnice. Analiza je razkrila pet glavnih kategorij doživljanja sprememb udeležencev, ki jih je sinteza povezala v implicitno teorijo. Osrednji izsledek kvalitativnega dela raziskave je, da so udeleženci vstopili v proces vzpostavljanja utelešenega, pristnega stika s sabo na globlji in višji ravni uglašene prisotnosti, kar jih je usmerilo tudi v presežne dimenzije. Njihova izkušnja so bile tudi spremembe v medosebnih odnosih, dojetje procesnosti vzpostavljanja notranjega odnosa in sprememb pa jim je med drugim omogočilo spoznanje, da preskakovanje procesa ni konstruktivno za rast in resnične spremembe. Dodatno so doživeli fokusing v paru kot dragocen pripomoček za samopomoč po dobljenih učinkih v procesu relacijske družinske terapije. Drugi, kvantitativni del razišče, kako se proces fokusinga odraža na izbranih področjih posameznikovega delovanja, in sicer na področjih čustvenega procesiranja, samospoštovanja, negativnih čustvenih stanj depresije, anksioznosti in stresa ter na področju medosebnih odnosov. V tem delu je bila poleg raziskovalne skupine vključena še primerjalna. Rezultati kvantitativnega dela raziskave dopolnjujejo ugotovitve kvalitativnega dela, predvsem na področju doživljanja simptomov depresije in procesiranja čustev. Komponenta čustvene stabilnosti se je pomembno izboljšala, medtem ko se je stopnja zmožnosti presojanja in uporabe čustev statistično pomembno poslabšala. Samoocena udeležencev na področju samospoštovanja ni pokazala razlik. Spremembe v pojavnosti simptomov anksioznosti, depresije in doživljanja stresa so se z izjemo depresivnosti pokazale statistično nepomembne. Udeleženci so poročali o pomembno manjšem številu simptomov depresije. Tudi spremembe v načinu navezovanja stikov v medosebnih odnosih niso bile statistično pomembne, čeprav se je nepomembno nakazal trend povečanja varne navezanosti in zmanjšanja ne-varnih oblik navezanosti. Pomembnih razlik med raziskovalno in primerjalno skupino kvantitativna metodologija raziskovanja ni prikazala. Disertacija metodo fokusinga osvetli kot smiseln in uporaben pripomoček v procesu relacijske družinske terapije in tudi kot orodje samopomoči po zaključenem terapevtskem procesu.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:proces, razvoj, spremembe, pomikanje naprej, implicitno, telo, interakcija telo-okolje, felt sense, fokusing, relacijski model zakonske in družinske terapije, integracija, samopomoč
Vrsta gradiva:Doktorsko delo/naloga
Tipologija:2.08 - Doktorska disertacija
Organizacija:TEOF - Teološka fakulteta
Kraj izida:Ljubljana
Založnik:[M. Vrhunc Tomazin]
Leto izida:2020
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-134098 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
COBISS.SI-ID:90111235 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:23.12.2021
Število ogledov:1311
Število prenosov:289
Metapodatki:XML DC-XML DC-RDF
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:Meaning and Effects of the Focusing Process in Context of the Relational Family Therapy
The theme of the doctoral thesis is Focusing, a special way of entering an implicit field of an individual’s experience developed and substantiated by E. Gendlin. The thesis’ aim is to explore the significance and effects of the Focusing process in the context of Relational Family Therapy. In the theoretical part, the thesis presents an overview of the theory of Focusing, explains the essential concepts of Focusing, and describes how the findings of modern neuroscience support both the principles of Focusing and Relational Family Therapy. It presents the central part of Focusing, inner referent or felt sense, as well as a theoretical view of the possibilities of crossing Focusing and Relational Family Therapy to obtain an integrative model of psychotherapy. The research part of the dissertation consists of the qualitative and quantitative parts. Both took place after the completion of one Relational Family Therapy cycle (12 sessions). The purpose of the first, qualitative part was to explore how individuals experience the process of Focusing itself. Only the research group was involved in this part; for the purposes of the research, the participants were trained to use Focusing in an experiential six-month workshop. The analysis revealed five main categories of the participants’ experience of changes, which synthesis linked into an implicit theory. The central finding of the qualitative part of the research was that the participants entered the process of establishing an embodied, genuine connection with themselves at a deeper and higher level of attuned presence, which also directed them to transcendental dimensions. Furthermore, they experienced changes in interpersonal relationships, and their understanding that establishing an internal relationship and changes is a process, has enabled them, among other things, to realize that skipping the process does not support growth and genuine change. Additionally, they experienced focusing in pairs as a valuable self-help tool after the results obtained in the process of Relational Family Therapy. In the second, quantitative part we explored how the process of Focusing was reflected in specific areas of an individual’s actions, i.e. in emotional processing, self-esteem, negative emotional states of depression, anxiety and stress, as well as in interpersonal relationships. In addition to the research group, the control group was included in this part. The results of quantitative research complement the findings of the qualitative part, especially in the field of experiencing the symptoms of depression and processing emotions. Statistically, the emotional stability component improved significantly, while the level of the appraisal subscale significantly declined. Participants’ self-assessment of self-esteem showed no differences. Changes in the incidence of anxiety and stress symptoms were statistically insignificant, while participants reported a significantly lower number of the symptoms of depression. Changes in the way of establishing contacts in interpersonal relationships were not statistically significant, either, although the trend of increasing secure attachment and decreasing non-secure forms of attachment increased, albeit insignificantly. Quantitative research methodology did not show significant differences between the research and control groups. The dissertation sheds light on the method of Focusing as a meaningful and useful tool in the process of Relational Family Therapy as well as a tool of self-help after the completion of the therapeutic process.

Ključne besede:process, development, change, moving forward, implicit, body, body-environment interaction, felt sense, Focusing, relational model of marital and family therapy, integration, self-help

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